Shelley Stuart
Adventures in Hollywood

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"Produced writers only"
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Many people who place ads looking for scripts frequently add the caveat "produced writers only," and usually WGA and non-WGA writers qualify.

That's now me!

The shoot last night was everything I expected -- hurry up and wait (a lot). We finished -- excuse me, wrapped -- at 2:30 am. I am now officially finished with this story.

We had a crew of about 10, including a script supervisor, boom operator, director, cinematographer, production assistant, me (essentially an extra PA), three actors, and two producers. No cranky people in our group, but Luciano (the director) was apparently used to an 8pm bedtime, so he was hurting!

We were located in a 20x24' room, and it will be very interesting to see if they're creative set decorating makes it look like a cluttered storage area and not a room.

We really had only 2 big challenges. The first was that the location was directly over the flight path of the Burbank airport, which caused a couple of cuts as jet noise interfered. The other was a SEVERE lack of lights. So Luciano and Marisol (the cinematographer) improved with a couple of 15 watt bulbs, a desk lamp, two halogen lamps and flashlights reflecting off of tin foil. My big contribution of the evening was to take some red-colored lights and flash them as directed to make it look like red cop car lights. They added some movie haze, going for a film-noir look.

Next step for Rock, Paper, Scissors is to go to editing. I don't know how long it will take to get to a final cut or screening, but I'll keep you informed!

Just a quick PS -- the obvious "how did you feel about watching your stuff being filmed?" question.

I wasn't really as connected to this script and characters as I have been with my longer projects. I've heard my words read in workshops and readings before, so that wasn't new, and it was cool that all those people were there and I had something to do with it. However, I didn't really get attached to the characters enough to really have a strong feeling about seeing them on screen. So I guess I'm more content than excited. And perhaps anxious to see the final project!

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