Just not so little old me...

"For I believe that whatever the terrain, our hearts can learn to dance..." John Bucchino
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Marriage is love.

The Idiosyncrasies Meme…My 5 Quirks…or more correctly, 5 OF my quirks

So apparently, the newest trend in Memes is a move away from the multi-question format into a single question, narrative list….always a trend setter (the trend setting gene is only three nucleotide pairs away from the Judy Garland pair, and four away from the infatuation with Jude Law pair), here I go…(I'm assuming that charming self-disclosure will make me more attractive....)

1. I generally undress within 8 feet of the front or back door. That’s right….while I will generally maintain some sense of decorum when near windows, I’m not a big fan of wearing clothes in the house. (I know you have that creepy, “he’s sharing WAY too much” vibe…”If this is how he starts...where the hell is he going with this?...”)

2. I obsessively discard toothbrushes and frequently soak the brush head in disinfectant mouthwash while I take a shower. I’m not germ phobic, except for my mouth....and then only selectively said. (And then there's the El…I always wash my hands after riding the El.)

3. In a clear glass bowl prominently displayed in the living room of the manse, I have a red feather boa with little gold Mylar strips in it. It’s not like I ever take it out of the bowl and wear it…I just keep it there….Perhaps it is my Gay Guy-con.

4. When I fly, if given the option, I always sit on the aisle in row 23, 24, or 25. I have no idea why I do this…I just do. I justify it by saying that some people are obsessive about being in the front, but I, on the other hand, am something of a speed walker and figure I’m giving all of those people a head-start for the baggage claim, knowing that even if I have to make a pit stop, I’ll beat most of them there. (This is actually sort of sick isn’t it?) Never mind….

5. At home I always sleep on the right side of my king sized bed. In hotels I always sleep on the left side of the bed. Again, don’t ask me why…I just do. I have no reason….I search for a reason….PLEASE someone tell me….WHY DO IT DO THIS?

So tell me....more attractive? ...more likely to end up on the Homeland Security No Fly List? ...more um....icky?

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