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I don't ask for much. Well, maybe I do, but I'm not right now.

So, I'm going through job applications to shortlist for a post. I've done 12 of the 14 applications so far and not one not one of the applicants seems to have read the job description. Here's a bit of advice to potential applicants: if there's a section on the job description which says "person specification" and then lists "essential" experience and attributes, then you'd damned well better make reference to this in your application, because that's how we shortlist. Is that so hard? All I really want is to see that you've some experience of these things and to see an example or two. Otherwise, would I have gone to all that effort to decide what the essential items were? No, I would have just written a person specification which said, "Tell me random things about you which probably won't be relevant." But I didn't. Bah. Maybe the last two will be brilliant...


Not making any progress on writing at the moment. I can't think of any stories to write and I'm fed up with the novel I'm trying to revise. I think the real problem is that I haven't managed to come up with a title for the story I wrote last week. If I could come up with a title for that, everything else would be easy. No, honest. Any suggestions? You would have to work in (some of) the following elements: a ruined church, woods, a monk, a hawk, a large, unidentified beast. Also, it mustn't sound like the title of a bad romance novel. (You know who you are...)


These job applications are making me grouchy. One of these people is going to be working with me. Hopefully, they'll be from one of the two remaining, unread, brilliant applications.

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