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Crab Apple Published
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Found out yesterday that my story, Crab Apple, will be in the February issue of Realms of Fantasy. I haven't actually seen the contributor's copies yet, but Eugie Foster who also has a story in this issue scanned the artwork for my story and emailed it to Steph. Thanks, Eugie. The artwork, incidentally, looks great. It's by Melissa Ferreira.

Later on, I'll put up a webpage for this on my site, probably at but it's not there yet.

Update: The page about Crab Apple is now up on my website at the above address. I screwed up the links to the page on most of my website, but whatever.


Too lazy/tired to get up in time to write this morning. Nika decided to keep me up all night by licking her leg (this is a typical thing for border collies, particularly if they're bored--she started doing it a couple of weeks ago when we had to leave her for too long on a couple of days, and now she can't stop), so I kept having to get up and stop her. I'll see if I can make it up at lunch, but right now I'm struggling to keep my eyes open (and not managing much work...)


Tomorrow we're off to Bristol for Christmas. In case I don't post again before then, happy Christmas to all.

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