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A nice weekend
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Our internet connection is still out. It's been more than a week now, and I would like to say that the technical support are morons. Not all technical support. Just ours. Every time we phone them up to see if they've made any progress, they make us go through the same battery of tests. Unplug modem. Restart computer. Replug modem. Check. And again and again. It doesn't seem to make any difference that we tell them we did all the tests just before we phoned up, and, no, it wasn't that that was wrong. Finally, they are sending an engineer around today. We shall see if anything happens. I'm not holding my breath. They've had two engineers doing other stuff that made no difference. (Even though they decided each time that it must have, and closed our case, so we had to start all over again. They also reduced our connection speed, deciding that was the problem--it wasn't, and as far as I know, they haven't restored the speed.)


Enough with the moaning.

Last night, I actually managed to catch up on some sleep after a weekend of not sleeping well, so I actually feel awake this morning. It's a nice change. I'm eating chocolate brownies. Sadly, I only have one left, and I'm trying to put off eating it for a while. Although writing about it is sapping my willpower.

This weekend I decided I would start revising the novel I finished last month, The Sleepers. I had started revising Jacob's Abyss, but as it had been a year since I'd finished it, I found I had lost a lot of my interest in it. Also, it needed way more work. The Sleepers is just a better novel right now, and I figure that should be the one I run with. I actually really liked the opening couple of chapters. I've given them a little bit of a scrub up and added some detail that I've researched since I wrote them, but overall it was pretty good. I'm sure I'll hit more difficult bits at some points, but it was great to start well. In about a month, I figure I'll get some critiques for the novel and then send it off to my agent for her opinion.


After a rainy week, yesterday was beautiful weather. We walked in the wooded valley near our house. All of the trees are coming out, and the flowers are opening. The woods are full of wild garlic, which smells heavenly. In a week or two, the bluebells will all be out too. The weather forecast is actually pretty good for this week. All in all, I'm looking forward to it. (Shame about having to be at work, but...)

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