Very Occasional Thoughts

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Me and my trusty chainsaw...
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I hate people.

Okay, that being said, that's probably too harsh of a generalization. There are, indeed, people I don't hate. Some people I downright dig. So, let me clarify that a bit.

I hate stupid people.

We seem to have them in abundance at work here. People who, it seems, have nothing better to do with their time but to make me waste mine trying to deal with:

1. Things they would have known if they read the instructions.

"Okay, you put toner in the copy machine. That's not a prob... wait. That's the toner from the OLD copy machine. The kind we don't use anymore. Yes, that's why it's belching black powder right now."

2. Things they should be speaking to someone else about, in a different department, but still feel that if they ask me enough times I'll magically come up with the damn answer.

"No, I can't give you access to the download forms. You have to talk to information services. Yes, I know I do them. It's because I spoke to information services, and they gave me access. No, that does NOT mean I can give you that access. No, you cannot use my computer."

3. Things they would have known if they had a shred of common sense.

"Okay, so your timeclock badge isn't working. let's see if it just got de-magnetized or... oh. There seems to be some... yes, I can see your badge cracked. I'm pretty sure putting electrical tape on it, while that does hold it together nicely, will probably get in the way of the magnetic stripe on the back."


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