Very Occasional Thoughts

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Not a bad weekend, all things considered.

Friday night was the D&D game. The regular gang was all there - Jen, Berek, Shannon, Carrie, Bryce, and Al (who does not have a journal... yet). Also joining us was Pita, Berek's girlfriend and our friendly neighborhood innocent bystander for the evening, who possibly may not be a bystander much longer. Aside from nearly eviscerating Al's character (damn those critical hits...), the game went well, and broke about 11. Special thanks to Bryce, for bringing some truly bad-ass lasagna, and to Pita, for keeping our cats endlessly entertained with various sparkly things.

Saturday, Jen and I slept in. I'd been sleeping pretty poorly for the past week, and it felt good to just crash and not have to wake up for anything. I think we finally dragged ourselves out of bed at around 4, went back to sleep, woke up again around 8, and then met up with Berek and Pita for a night out. We hit various locations along the Sunset Strip... first to Tower Records, then to the Hustler Store, and finally to IHOP. Jen and I went to bed at the crack of dawn (yay, weekends!).

Sunday was much more laid back. Went out to the Glendale Galleria to pick up some stuff for Jen (make-up, stuffed animal, etc.), got dinner at Bennigans, and came home.

I'm firmly convinced that the people who work at the 7-Eleven on our corner are either on copious amounts of crack, or are vying for one of Shannon's "Scarlet S" awards. Simple task last night... get some Vanilla Pepsi. I go there, look in the fridge they're normally in... and there's maybe one Diet Vanilla left. Okay, no problem. I ask the nice young man up front if there's any more.

"No, we don't have any... we didn't think they'd sell that fast, so we didn't order any more."

Hrm. I thought working in a store meant that you kept your stock of... oh, nevermind. This guy wouldn't understand that if something sells fast, you want MORE of it.

So, I settle for Vanilla Coke. I kind of like it better than the Pepsi version anyway, but that may be because I'm used to it. I grab a case of it, and get in line... which is now stretching up the aisle as the same nice young man struggles with the task of keeping the cash register closed so that he can start up a new sale. No luck. It keeps springing open, and the manager, who apparently knows how to fix the problem, has stepped out for a coffee break.

As an aside, if your store sells coffee, and you still feel the need to go elsewhere to get your cup of joe, that's got to say something about the quality of your coffee. I'm sure 7-Eleven's can also be used to take paint off of cars.

So, the manager comes back about 5 minutes later. The line by this point is to the back of the store, the cashier is stumbling around behind the counter like a total idiot, and the cash register still won't close.

Manager: What's the problem?

Clerk: The cash register won't close.

Manager: Again? Didn't this happen this afternoon?

Clerk: Yes.

Manager: And did you do what I showed you this afternoon, to fix it?

Clerk: Ummm... no.

Manager: (presses a button, and closes the drawer)

We're not talking brain surgery, folks.

And now, I'm at work. Blah. Granted, there's a three-day weekend coming up (yay, Labor Day!), but it's still work, and it's only Monday, and I'm already not enjoying the week.

I need more weekends.



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