Very Occasional Thoughts

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Yay. Friday.
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Well, it's Friday. Thank god.

Had a bit of a consciousness issue this morning, where I dozed off on the train and woke up at Pershing Square (two stops after my normal station). Luckily, there was another train going the opposite direction pulling into the station at the same time, so I just hopped on it and rode it back. All in all, it only set me about five minutes late getting into work, which wasn't even a big deal since one of my bosses is still not here (it's 10:20am now), and the other got in about ten minutes after me.

Today's the Employee Recognition Awards Banquet at the Hospital. It's a yearly shindig we throw for all the employees who have been here 5, 10, 15 etc. years, that everyone in HR works to organize. It's a pain in the ass, honestly, because apparently teling people to RSVP by March 12 means they'll be showing up at the door tonight with their invitations. I've got to help set up a bit, but I'll be ducking out earlier than everyone else - I've got better things to do on a Friday night, like be with my wife and run a D&D game.

Strangely enough, I've actually got this game planned in advance. I've been running the last few off the cuff, due to my planning time being rudely taken away by work ("Hey, Robert, have you finished the union projections yet?" "Nope, sorry. Busy building a gnoll army. Have 'em to you by lunchtime."), and their quality hasn't been what I would normally like from my games. So, I'm making sure to get the damn planning done ahead of time.

Ooh. Someone brought bagels.

Okay, where was I?

That's right. Awards banquet. So far, I've been the one repsonsible for setting up name badges for all 200+ attendees, and making sure the info on them is correct. It's not a hard thing to so, especially since they gave me an Excel spreadsheet with all this info in it and I know how to mail merge to Word, but to most of the other people in the department it may as well be alchemically turning lead to gold. That, and I know how to unjam the Xerox machine. I'm the HR version of Mr. Scott, dammit. *geekflex*

On the health front, I got my lab results back from last week's little health scare. I'm apparently rather healthy, except for some anxiety and my cholesterol, and even that has gone down from a 280 in October to a 239 now. I'm shooting for 175 in the long run, if not better. A lot of that is thanks to my wife and her recommendations on eating (my fast food diet apparently didn't do much for cholesterol). I hope she realizes that there's a good chance she's saving my life here, and that I'm eternally grateful for it.

Well, back to the grind. These status forms aren't getting done by themselves, no matter how hard I stare at them and will them to.

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