Very Occasional Thoughts

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Train fights, DMV's, spasms and other stuff
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Catching up

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Yeah, yeah, I know. It's been a while. I'm nowhere near as religious about posting here as my wife is, but occasionally a posting will find its way to this place.

So, where to begin...

Saw a fight on the Red Line the other day - an actual, full-on fistfight, not just the shouting match you occasionally catch a glimpse of. Apparently, one guy shoved another one out of his seat, and the guy who got shoved proceeded to beat the snot out of the first guy. At least, that's what some other passengers told me - I tend to sleep on the trains, and I was woken up by the sound of the first guy hitting the floor. Someone hit the emergency call button, and about five members of the Sheriff's department were waiting at the next stop by the time we got there.

Thursday morning I went to the DMV to get my learner's permit renewed. It was due to expire in a few weeks (July 19th), and thought I'd be all sorts of efficient and go there to make sure I can start driving classes without having it run out on me. There was a bit of a hassle at the beginning, with the people behind the desk informing me that I couldn't renew my permit until the first expired, which they persisted in telling me until their supervisor came over and chastised them for being stupid. I coughed up the $24, aced the written test (100% baby! Woo!), and am now the proud owner of a California learner's permit. Again.

I think it may be a race between me and Thea to see how many times we re-up our permits before we get an actual license. ;)

As for the spasms part of this entry's title, it's a minor problem I've had lately... I'll notice my hand or arm twitching a bit when I'm relaxed. The people I spoke to at the Hospital said it could be anything ranging from fatigue to over-exertion (I've been doing more push-ups lately) to a chemical issue (lack of or excess of potassium, for example) to the faint chance of something more severe. I'd put my money on exhaustion or over-exertion. If they don't stop in the next few days, I'll make an appointment to see one of the physicians and get a check-up.

On to the other stuff. The D&D game I'm running is going pretty well, although we had a bit of a smaller turnout this past Friday. I got a much-needed haircut today, which means I no longer resemble a Chia Pet, and am about ready to head off to bed.

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