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Interview with Kenny
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I got this from Kenny:

The Rules

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions, I get to pick the questions
3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions

1) Tell me a story about the first memory you have of me? (It might not be when we first met, just the first tangible memory)

I think the first memory I've got of you was way back when I used to be in SCORE (for those who don't know, SCORE was a live-action NERO-based group that played on the campus of USC for a few years). A bunch of us were running around in the courtyard of Parkside, and I'm pretty sure you started yelling stuff out your window at us. Tye Graham was either up there with you, or yelling back at you from the courtyard - don't remember which, but I'm pretty sure he was involved.

2) Besides meeting fabulous people like me and Jay *wink*, what good thing did you get from your experience in the Camarilla?


Oh, you said good thing? Sorry, my bad.

Definitely meeting and becoming friends with a good bunch of people. While there are people there I never got to know as well as I would have liked to, and a choice few where the friendship went sour over time, I'd say the majority of the people are people I'm proud to have been friends with.

And to totally nitpick, I met Jen and you pre-Cam, in Autarkis - Jen when I was helping her make a Tremere character, and you when you started playing Smudge, the Ignored. :)

3) When did you first realize that you had become Milton from Office Space?

It was when I noticed I was mumbling to myself in my office after something particularly stupid happened. And because people keep borrowing my stapler, and forgetting to give it back to me. Yes, it's a Swingline, but it's black.

4) Surprise Phyiscal Challenge!

Wow, I am so out of touch with my LARP-ness. The first thing that registered with me was "Holy crap, I'm on Double Dare?"

So, um, I guess I'll be Tough enough to take it.

5) I'm going to try to visit New York this year, besides the obvious, what should I make sure to see?

Here's my top 5 things you need to see if you've never been to NYC before (in no particular order):

1. Central Park. I know, this may fall into the "obvious" category, but it's one of my favorite places out there. Especially the Rambles, which is a wooded area in the center of the park where you can't see the surrounding city at all - it just seems like you're in a forest.

2. The Slaughtered Lamb. This is a pub/restaurant in Greenwich Village that's based on the old werewolf legends and was made popular in An American Werewolf in London. I loved hanging out here when I lived in Brooklyn, so if you're in that area, check it out. There's also its sister pub, the Jekyll and Hyde, which is likewise spiffy.

3. Little Italy. As an Italian from Brooklyn, I'm biased, I'll admit. But the food is amazing.

4. The Museums. NYC has a ton of 'em, from MOCA to the Museum of Natural History (best known for its large area of dinosaur skeletons) to the Guggenheim.

5. Grand Central Station. You see it in movies all the time, but most people really don't have a true appreciation of just how massive this place is until they've been there.

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