Very Occasional Thoughts

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My wife, Jen
My brother, John
My sister, Ellen
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The First 100 Days
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As of about 4 minutes ago, it's been 100 days since Jen, Gabriel and I left Los Angeles. Seeing as how I suck balls at posting regularly, I figure an update is due.

I still have no job. This needs to change. Much as I love doing stuff with the family, there's a routine I'd worked myself into over the past 7 years that just got kind of natural to me, to get up early, go to work, and get stuff done. Yes, I kind of do that with Gabriel nowadays as well, but there is a difference. I never had to change a diaper in the office despite the amount of shit I dealt with. Interviews that I have had with some companies have come down to me and one other person, and right now the "other person" is pitching a shutout. I've got another phone interview tomorrow with a manufacturing company out here called Rexnord that's looking for an HRIS person, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Also related to the job front, I've signed up to take the examination to become certified as a Professional in Human Resources. It's going to be a lot of studying between now and the time I take the test (probably early May), but it should serve to round out my HR abilites beyond HRIS and a bit of Benefits and Compensation. Should increase my value on the job market, too, which wouldn't suck.

My shoulder is still out of whack, but it's nowhere near as bad as I thought it was. When I first had the muscle spasms back in December, I could swear I tore a ligament or did something else nasty to my rotator cuff. I met with an orthopedic surgeon today, and my fears were laid to rest... it's not tendon or ligament damage. Physical therapy should take care of what he called a "soft tissue imbalance" around my shoulder - apparently, the muscles in my back started to overcompensate for the temporary lack of strength in my shoulder, and they in turn started to pull things out of balance. If this keeps up, my back is going to end up just sucking my head down into my torso.

The place we live in (both apartment and city) is amazing. Good, small-town feel to it, friendly neighbors (which, admittedly, creeped me out for a while since I had gotten used to a base level of rudeness from people over time), and conveniences even closer than what we had in Los Angeles. The apartment is wonderful, too, although I swear to god all of these boxes will get unpacked soon. I mean, the loft no longer looks like the warehouse from the end of "Raiders of the Lost Ark", but there are still a few things in there I'd like to get put away sooner rather than later.

Last month we made a trip back to New York to visit with my family and finally introduce Gabriel to his Uncle John. The last time Gabe saw them, he was about a month and a half old. Had a lot of fun (and Gabriel was vastly amused by my brother's blowing kisses at him), and I'm thrilled that now that we live closer, we won't have to wait years in between visits with my folks and my brother and sisters. On a related note, my parents are looking at coming out here to visit this summer, we just need to figure out times when Jen won't be going insane with Bar preparation. Can't wait to show them the new hometown.

As I just mentioned, Jen is starting to get her stuff together for the July Bar Exam, and she's slogging through registration paperwork like a trooper. Love you, sweetie - you'll kick its ass. I know you will.

Gabriel recently had his picture taken with the Easter Bunny. So far, we're 2 for 2 with holiday figures... his photo was adorable, and he was just as good with Santa back in December, too. He's running around like a madman now, and has even started roughhousing with me a little bit... I sit down on the floor, and he comes charging right at me and tackles me while giggling hysterically. It's cute. :)

One of my new addictions / hobbies is Full Tilt Poker. My brother was kind enough to introduce me to it, and I showed it to Jen, and Jen's mom has seen it as a result, and she's showed it to friends... it's like a plague. But it's a damn fun one.

That's all for now. See you in another 100 days.

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