Very Occasional Thoughts

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My wife, Jen
My brother, John
My sister, Ellen
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50 Questions
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I got this from my wife.

1. Are you taller than your mom? Significantly.

2. What color is your shower curtain? Don't have one. Our shower is one of those that has the vaguely opaque glass doors on it.

3. What is the closest thing to you right now that is red? Gabriel's little stuffed Elmo chair.

4. What is your ring tone? The theme song to "Pokemon".

5. Does anything hurt on your body right now? My shoulder aches a bit.

6. What color is your favorite pillow? Blue. I miss my pillow. *snore*

7. What is your favorite video game? Old-school arcade Gauntlet.

8. Had a nap today? I'd love one, but no.

9. Gold or Silver? Silver.

10. Is there an animal that creeps you out? Dogs. Never quite liked dogs.

11. Who was the last person you rode an elevator with? Gabriel and Jen's mom, while we were visiting Jen in Madison.

12. Did you go ice skating as a kid? Occasionally. I remember that I was pretty good at going very fast in straight lines, was mediocre at turns, sucked at stopping, and was amazing at running into things and other people.

13. Ever have stitches? Yes - I think I had five in my head when I was a young kid. Bricks and foreheads do not mix.

14. Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Iced tea.

15. How long ago did you hug someone? About ten minutes ago. Gabriel ran up to me and climbed onto my lap.

16. What's something you want to do before you die? Watch Gabriel grow up.

17. Have you ever caught something on fire? Oh, HELL yes. I was a Boy Scout - pyromaniacs with uniforms.

18. Have you ever seen a ghost? If I did, I didn't realize it.

19. Have you ever seen northern lights? Only in pictures.

20. Do you know how to use chop sticks? Yep.

21. Name something good that happened today. I was typing this quiz and Gabriel ran up to me, said "Dada!", and climbed into my lap.

22. What room are you in? The living room.

23. Are you worried about something you can't control? Absolutely. Between job hunting, my dad's back (get better dad!), and a few other things, I'm a pretty anxious dude.

24. Do you take daily medications? Not really. I take the occasional Tylenol or Alleve for my shoulder or back, but no prescription drugs.

25. Ever been in a fight? Sure have. I lost.

26. Are you wearing nailpolish? Never have.

27. What time is it? 1:30 pm.

28. Innie or Outie? Innie!

29. Ever used a Ouija board? Once or twice.

30. Sweet or Sour? Both please.

31. Sun or Moon? Moon.

32. What shoes did you wear today? Seeing as how I'm just loafing around the house right now, I'm wearing slippers.

33. Favorite eye color of the opposite sex? Jen's. :)

36. Time of day you were born? I think it was at 2:10pm, Brooklyn time. Any family members out there that can confirm this? I kind of wasn't paying attention at the time.

37. Do you know your blood type? O positive.

38. Do you know how to kill a zombie? Aim for the head. Shoot. Keep shooting.

39. Do you smoke? Nope.

40. What would you spend 5,000 dollars on right now if you were handed it? If I had to spend it? A new computer. Otherwise, it'd go into savings.

41. Who is your favorite musical artist? Frank Sinatra.

42. Which animal(s) remind you of yourself? newyorkus robfuscatus, or the Southern Brooklyn City Ninja. Either that, or a gecko.

43. Whats your background on your pc? A vaguely obscene Garfield comic strip.

44. Did you grow up in the city or country? City! Brooklyn and Los Angeles.

45. Would you ever consider going on a reality tv show if offered a large sum of money? Depends on the show. Some of them suck.

46. Have you flown in your dreams? Yes.

47. Whats one thing you're really good at cooking? I can make some bad-ass fried rice from scratch.

48. Kisses or hugs? Yes please.

49. You have 10 dollars to spend in the dollar store..what do you get? Stock up on candy bars. You can sometimes find 'em three for a buck there.

50. Slurpee flavor? Blue. I know, I know, you're saying But Robert! Blue is a color, not a flavor! Nonsense. Try blue Slurpee one day. It tastes like Blue, and doesn't taste like any sort of flavor. Just... blue.

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