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Hello, Mr. I'm - SO - in - Denial.

Hijacking your forum? If I was to hijack the forum, I would be OWNING it, have hacked it, take control of it. That's what Hijack MEANS. Do you have a dictionary? Suggest you look at it occasionally. And what legit visitors, Nick? There are none here, and haven't been for a while. Also, I DID walk away from you and from my journals, never mentioned you at ALL, YOU brought me back into this because YOU couldn't keep your trap shut.

Tell you what, Nick. You make yourself available to talk on places OTHER than your board, I'll have NO problem leaving here well enough alone. In fact, if you look back, I hadn't been here for a while. I've asked, repeatedly, to just sit and talk with you, just once. And I mean TALK, as in civil conversation between two adults, NOT the childish dribble that you spout off here. YOU are the one with no balls, Nick, who can't even stand to have a civil conversation with anyone. YOU are the one that's continually 'burned', not me, or anyone else, and your ignorance/denial proves it.

Oh, by the by, what one's political persuasion has nothing to do with... anything? I actually - again - AGREE with some Republican ideas. And no Republican has burned me, Nick, least of all you. I think your ego is blinding you, totally.

Go ahead and delete this like the coward you are, I'll just repost it.

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