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I'm thinking of donating my body to Science Fiction
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In Ellensburg, in the mid-to-late 1950's, I was in grade school when older brother Peter was in High School.

I was required to write a story as homework. I think I was in about the 4th or 5th grade. I was kind of stuck for an idea and I asked Peter to help. The idea was his, but I did actually write the story and turned it in or read it aloud to the class, I forget.

I'm sure I can't recreate the story here, but I will give the outline and the punch line. It is one of my earliest memories that I recall talking about science fiction with Peter, a lifelong passion with us both.

The story told of a space alien landing on the Earth and being extremely frightened by the (to it's senses and sensibilities) physical appearance of humans.

It ended with the punch line "WHAT A FRIGHT FOR FOUR EYES!"

I thought you should know.

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