Mindless Blather
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And what a month it's been...

I still feel at least 80 proof today, which is much better than I’ve felt in over a week. Had I stopped to write an entry on Saturday rather than today it would have been all “rainbows and puppy dogs,” but today I am much more sedate. I’ve been up and down so often and so quickly this week that I’m surprised I’m not foaming over.

Friday night I worked (server’s bitch again) and managed to get out at a respectable hour considering how busy we were. I raced home to walk the pups and change before heading out to the W to meet my friend John and his boys. After a sixteen-hour workday and five hours of drinking, I wasn’t tired a bit.

Saturday morning I was awake at an ungodly hour and did nothing all day other than dance around my house singing and calling girlfriends to have extraordinarily silly girly conversations. I know. Pathetic. I went to the restaurant at 5:30 for my scheduled shift and ended up finding someone (“finding” here is synonymous with “begging, pleading, and threatening”) to work my shift so that I could continue my hedonism for another evening.

So Saturday night was dinner at Lara’s with her sons and John, watched some movies (oh, sweet cable, how I’ve missed thee), and then I headed home to prepare for another night out. We ended up in Lakewood (again) at a bar that had a really amazing DJ who went by the name of “Poopy Pants” or something, and then again headed to the W. I spend much of the night trying to wake up fully, drank some Red Bull and vodka in search of the desired effect, and spent much of the night a little crabbier than normal (when someone says “Don’t poke the bear!” and they’re referring to you…well, that’s not good).

Yesterday consisted of nothing more than visiting the family and poaching songs off of my sister’s iTunes account, then returning home to hang with the dogs and listen to amazing music (between naps, of course). The music continues to carry me through yet another frigid Monday. Really, who can be in a bad mood when they’re listening to the Posies? It’s impossible, I say!

Now I must really go and concentrate on the beautiful music playing through my headphones and pull the whole Office-Space-stare-at-the-screen-for-an-hour-so-that-it-looks-like-I’m-working charade. Maybe I’ll have some tea and oranges that came all the way from China...

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