Mindless Blather
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Quick Update

The gap between my last financial aid check and my first pay check at the summer internship seems very long indeed. So without internet access (impatient frigging cable company), I usually grab a computer to check my grades (nothing yet) and my e-mail (though I never actually have time to *respond* to any of them). Entries here just seem like a frivolous waste of someone else's computer, so I'll keep it snappy.

I have an awesome summer internship. In fact, my job has much to do with the reasons I went to law school in the first place. Unfortunately, I had to sign one of those pesky confidentiality agreements and I can't really talk about it much until the project I'm working on is made public, so I feel posting anything substantive about it on the internet would be a Very Bad Idea. There is, unfortunately, an expiration date for this job (though only a tentative one...I'm not really sure how long I'll be at it). Luckily for me, a judge that hired me for the summer is willing to wait for me until the middle/end of July so that I can work for him...which is A Very Good Thing.

Unfortunately, my school stress hasn't entirely disappeared as of yet. Perhaps when my grades are finally in and I finally get my paws on some cash I'll feel a bit less like I'm about to snap.

Other than that, things are quiet (they usually are for someone with only a few linty coins in her pocket). This past weekend I went to PA with some friends and had a great time. I hung with some girls from New Philadelphia in PA as well, which of course had me thinking of another New Philly/PA girl who just had herself an adorable baby boy (JD, there is a gushing email coming your way, I promise!). I fully intend to spend the next few weeks nagging A to take me sailing and *finally* cleaning my skank ass apartment before the mess just takes over and kicks me the hell out of there.

And now...work is calling...

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