Mindless Blather
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What, now?

I went to the dentist on Monday afternoon for the first time in years, thanks to Aud’s employer’s handy domestic partner insurance. I’d been putting it off since the beginning of the year, but I was in some pain and decided to just get it the hell over with. After a brutal cleaning, my dentist and I discussed the problems that I’d originally thought were caused by a raging cavity (nope), but soon learned were courtesy of my fucked-up jaw. His recommendation?

Braces. Take 3. Yeah…I said “braces.” And “Take 3?” That means this will be the Third. Time. I’ve. Had. Braces.

So, if you’re curious what I’m getting for my 31st birthday at the end of this year, I’ll just smile and point at the silver torture devices on my teeth before slurping my dinner through a straw. Brilliant.

In other news, Aud and I are having a fabulous time *not* planning our wedding. I had no idea how tedious the entire process is, so we just…stopped planning. I am thoroughly enjoying the results of my decision. So, on September 13, 2008, I’m rather hoping that a wedding just “takes place.” That’s the idea, anyway…

I’m also training for the Cleveland Marathon on May 17. I like the idea that I’ll be running (crawling?) 26.2 miles on the day I *would* have graduated from law school had I not decided to get an M.P.A. There’s a certain poetry to it. Also, “training for a marathon” makes me feel much less shallow than “dieting/working out so that I look hot in a wedding dress.” I should add that this strategy is highly effective. I also can’t argue with that overwhelming smugness that follows after an eight-mile morning run.

And finally, the suckage that is February is almost at an end, so I’m feeling optimistic. Since classes were cancelled yesterday (Obama and Clinton wreaking havoc on city traffic patterns) and today (my Law in Lit & Film professor is a bit of a slacker), I’m going to try my hand at homemade vegan potstickers for my sweet for dinner tonight. He’s rather spoiled, no? Especially since yesterday, while I toiled at work he “worked from home” (which looks exactly like this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/21670090@N06/2296559750/) and not a potsticker was to be found when I returned home.

At least I still have smug.

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