
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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How Can It Be?
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"The first and great commandment is: Don't let them scare you." - Elmer Davis

How can it be a week has gone by? We just began April and the first week is near completion. I can say went to church on Sunday. I have walked on Monday, Wednesday and did yoga on Tuesday and Thursday. I've meditated every day. One whole day I paid attention to what I ate. That is not bad for a first week.

Feeling tired again today. Lucky for me a friend called to see if I could give her a ride to tonight's meeting and I said yes. I'm glad she called because I could have easily stayed home. We a core group of people at this meeting. Since I've been there I have come to notice that the sharing has become more heartfelt. We feel safe in sharing what is going on in our homes, our hearts, and even in our heads.

I feel so blessed to have these people in my life.

And secondly, it was not foggy out tonight and I could see the full moon. How lovely she was in that dark sky.

For those whose faith is following this holy week, I wish you a meaningful Good Friday. I totally spaced on services today; although I did read from my Book of Common Prayer the preface for today.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "Alex Cross's Trial" - James Patterson and Richard Dilallo
-- "The Chalice of Blood: A Mystery of Ancient Ireland" - Peter Tremayne
-- "The Daily Book of Art: 365 readings that teach, inspire & entertain" - day 162

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