
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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Things I Have Noticed
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Yesterday I had an appointment with the dietitian regarding my diabetes. While sitting in the waiting area, I noticed two female pharmaceutical reps in dresses and no hose.

When did women stop wearing hose in public? In my day, a woman never went out in public without nylons on. I even notice that ladies on the television being interviewed don't appear to have hose on. What is up with this?

Of course, when I began wearing nylons, I had a garter belt and nylons were two pieces of clothing. I was too young to wear the stockings with the seam down the back but whoo hoo, they sure were sexy.

Then when pantyhose came into being, what a gem they were; although, I haven't worn pantyhose in probably 10 years now. I'm either in jeans or a long dress or skirt or dress so there is no need for hosiery.

As I started out, I had an appointment with the dietitian (Lisa) regarding my diabetes. I really loved the gal. She was straight and to the point and had a pleasing personality.

It seems I have been doing things right in writing down what I am eating. Then if I have a spike, I can pinpoint what the culprit is. The biggest thing I will have to get used to is watching the carb numbers. Again, Lisa, broke it all down for me on paper. I now have a guideline to guide me through my day. She also increased my insulin to 13 units. Lisa tells me that this is still a baby dose. What she wants is that my glucose numbers go down and can get me off the glyburide. It is an older medicine and it makes my pancreas working harder in producing insulin and she doesn't want this. She wants to give my pancreas a break but it is a work in progress. So far the last two days of the fasting part of my reading - first thing in the morning before I have breakfast my number has been 190. Lisa wants this lower. I'm to call her on Monday and every three days after that to keep her up to date on how I'm doing.

Overall, everything Lisa told me is pretty much what I had been doing with Weight Watchers. Now I just have to watch the carbs and when I have them, be sure to have some protein too.

The last two days have been busy days. Michael came home on Tuesday. Because I wasn't expecting this, he got to go with me on my errands. Wrong, I should have taken him home first and then did errands.

Anyway, we got the money to the public defender to take care of the court date on Wednesday. I went to donate blood but couldn't because my hemoglobin was 11+ and it needs to be 13+ for me to do the R2 donation. I am supposed to bulk up on berries and other foods high in iron and then make an appointment in a week.

Then today, I did a load of wash first thing this morning for Michael. The reason I wanted to get that done so I could attend a two-part class regarding Zoroastrianism and its influence on Judaism.

The class was at full capacity and there was only one person I knew but that was okay. I was in over my head on the subject. The facilitator has apparently done two or more thesis on this subject and given international talks on this topic. That said, I was glad I went because I did learn something and it got me out of the house for a couple of hours. I did invite Michael to come with me but he said he wasn't up for it today. This was okay with me.

Now, I am home. I feel tired. I have fallen asleep in my chair for the last three nights. Tonight might be the same with the way I feel.

That man of mine is being a man about taking care of himself. I finally told myself to stop mothering him and take care of me. No where on my body is a tattoo that states I am his mother. He's going to do what he is going to do. There is no sense in my banging my head on the wall.

Thank heavens I have the tools of my Al-Anon program.

The last few days have been lovely out. I began my day today with a hanging plant from my next door neighbor, Mr. T. He had an extra and asked if I would like it. He even hung it for me. It was such a nice gesture after the last couple of days. I had to give him a hug for making my day, though I did tell his wife as I don't want to create ill feelings between her and me. She was okay with it when I told her. You never can tell how one will take things and I'd rather be on the up and up.

My shows are coming on, more tomorrow.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- Catching up on books I began but didn't finish.


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