
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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Morning Has Broken
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"Step on onto the ledge with Faith in your Heart and you will see that hidden beneath your fear are a fresh pair of wings waiting for you to take flight!" - Jackson Kiddard

It was an early morning alarm at 6 a.m. for me to get up and get going.

It is food bank day.

I didn't notice it on my way over to the church to put my bags down but on my way back home, my oh my. There just a few feet above the horizon was the moon. Of course, last night She was full and still is this morning.

If I had the time I would have liked to go to one of the bluffs in Montana de Oro and watch Her set. I have seen this phenomenon only once since my move to California and it is spectacular.

Bailey was quite glad to see I had returned home so quickly. How dare I go off and not feed him first. Such is the life of a cat . . . always waiting on their human. But gee whiz, I don't get any thanks for put seed out in the front area so the birds will come to feed in front of His window to keep him entertained, now do I.

Yesterday was another one of those days where I hurt all over. I also had pulsing pains in my left thumb joint at my palm. My neck was going off which also caused me to have a headache. My legs and feet ached and I know I hadn't gone that far on my walk to cause this.

After talking to C, she reminded me of my rice pack, rice in a cloth pack, which I heat for two minutes in the microwave and then relief. I placed the pack on my neck and within a few minutes the spasm and discomfort had gone away for a little while.

I did this off and on all evening until I went to bed. Thanks C for reminding me of my rice bag. It works.

I feel that all this discomfort is from stress but I also wonder if I might have fibromyalgia. I will need to do some research and talk to my doctor about this. Another thought crossed my mind just down. My glucose number was 50 points higher yesterday than from the day before. Possibly having that much sugar in my system was a trigger for my distress.

Back at home, I begin this entry, read and respond to e-mails and then head for the shower.

I got some good grub from the food bank. It was fun to see my buddies there. Now I am done for the day. I am working on decorating my journal with drawings with my crayons and cut outs from my Real Simple magazine.

I did go out in an attempt to purchase cat litter for Bailey. At the pet store where I like to go, they were out of the litter with none coming in until Friday afternoon. The second store, the small size they had was more than the money I had. Not a fruitful adventure but I did get some walking time in. The wind was very blustery and I had to hold my hat down the whole time.

I guess it's a good thing I didn't endeavor to clean out the vacuum cleaner.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "The City and The City" - China Mieville

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