Ken's Bamburgh Journal
Fieldwork 2006

Castles in the Sand
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An extremely nice day today, with exceptionally clear air, lazy puffy clouds, breezy with soft sunshine at times - perfect for taking it easy on a slow Sunday - everyone sitting near the trenches washing bones, shells, and pottery where the castle visitors could see us working.

In the evening, a special treat: Sarah got ambitious to save a large tray of browning bananas (that would otherwise go to the garbage bin) and made banana pancakes with shaved chocolate on top. Yum!

Pano of Bamburgh area (the two people are goecachers not affiliated with the archaeology project who just happened to be at the best view point)

Sandcastle on the beach - a lot of people down there today

Bamburgh's castle and town, and one of the Farne Islands

Holy Island, a few miles away across Budle Bay, as seen with full zoom; I'm headed there next weekend for a special event involving Viking re-enactors

Most of my green meal from yesterday in Berwick: the cheese is sage darby; the chocolate Aero bar has minty green air bubbles in it; gotta love the nice potato chip (crisp) flavors here ("gently infused lime & thai spices" in this case); the apple juice was the best I've ever had

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