Life sux get use to it

you suck Hi there my name is Thomas Joel Smith and i am a life sized penis...which is good if your my girl friend but like the great Kermit The Frog once said "its not easy being long, hard, and full of semen" ok maybe he didnt but....well he might have if he was drunk enough..... no really i have this friend of a friend who knew the guy and she says he TOTALY would have...
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h.h.k (head hitts keyboard)

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ive said so before and ill say so sux, relationships suck and ummmmm crap i forgot what i was saying again...ah forget it.

personality test



Michiru from Sailor Moon, Anthy Himemiya from Revolutionary Girl Utena, Miyu from Vampire Princess Miyu, Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangelion, Sheeta from Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Miki from Revolutionary Girl Utena, Setsuko from Grave of the Fireflies, Tsuyoshi from Kodomo no Omocha, Yanagi from Flame of Recca, John F. Byers from X-Files, Bob from Bobmink Anime (boo-ya!)


ISFJs have a strong need to belong and are hard-working and devoted. They are very accurate with details and enjoy gathering and analyzing data for a useful purpose. Quiet, reserved and loyal, ISFJs are devoted to family, friends and co-workers. They are sensitive, sympathetic and good listeners who are ready to help people in practical ways. ISFJs dislike confrontation and try to accommodate for others to avoid arguments. They are uncomfortable when people around them are unhappy. Because of this, many people take advantage of the ISFJ's helpfulness.

Warm and friendly, but private, ISFJs will only share their feelings with one or two close friends. In their spare time, they enjoy activities that engage the senses, such as playing music, cooking, gardening and art. ISFJs may enjoy the company of one or two close friends, but they don't like surprises or large groups of people. They also enjoy planning and participating in holidays and events. Traditions and systems are very important to ISFJs, but they will alter their systems to accommodate other people. ISFJs also like to gently tease people, but they almost never get angry or show any emotion, because they consider it improper.

ISFJs are quiet, modest, patient people who enjoy helping others, without calling attention to themselves. They like to work behind the scenes and have good memories for detail, especially when it is related to a person. ISFJs speak softly, slowly, and deliberately. Their language is uncomplicated and full of references to past experiences. ISFJs are not physically animated or demonstrative. They follow the rules and do what is expected of them. ISFJs are often very devoted to one person, who they will do special things for. They seem self-less and have a very hard time saying 'no.' ISFJs also are slow decision makers, because they want to make sure everything is perfect. Because they are so perfectionistic, they tend to blame themselves for any failures and can become pessimistic and slightly depressed. Signs of independence in close friends are seen as betrayal to ISFJs, who then become very possessive.

wow this is actualy very close

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