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*with Jim Farris*

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Home Theatre: Document This/ New Hampshire Preview
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"Home Theatre"

And now the host of "Home Theatre" Jim Farris.

JF: Thank you, Jim Farris, and hello everyone. Welcome to "Home Theatre".
Today's episode... "Document This"!

Our first reality feature (or documentary as we used to say) is..

1. "Winged Migration"

DVD release: Sony.

Last summer I was amazed that the best film of the summer (for me at that time) was a documentary. And not only that a nature documentary. A film about migratory birds no less.
I never thought there would come a day when a film of this kind would be released by a major studio at any time of the year, much less summer.
But there it was on the big screen and playing to sold out houses all over the world. On screen the film weaved a magical spell. Watching these birds struggle to survive and fly thousands of miles was awe inspring. You have never seen birds from this point of view, flying with them face to face and eye to eye.

No special effects were used to photograph the birds they were real birds doing what came naturally and it took your breath away.

I was excited about watching the film on DVD. The magnificent photography and color would be so sharp and clear and the film's initmate quality would be enhanced at home. I thought.

Actually I was disappointed watching "Winged Migration" again. On TV it looks more like (how can I say?) It looks more like TV.

The magic is sharply curtailed on the smaller screen. It still is beautiful and funny and dramatic. I do suggest watching it, particularly if you have never seen it, but it may have been overhyped and you may wonder what all the fuss was about.
Now sometimes seeing a film a second time is not what you expect. Flaws and familiarity can combine to equal boredom.
The problems with "Winged Migration" also lies in the special features.

The lengthy documentary on the making of the film actually gave me more information on the manipulation of these scenes than I needed to know.

Jaques Perrin, the French documentarian who also directed "Microcosmos", did not use movie tricks but he did use trained "bird actors" and filmed the movie very much the way other movies are made. These birds are not migrating at all. They are crated and carried to various landmark locales and released and filmed.
When I stopped to think about it how else could these amazing shots have been composed? How naive am I?

Well it's a tribute to the power of this film that I bought it without question. The documentary made me feel like a chump and it ruined the magic of the movie.
Other features include the mystical creation of the film score and one particularly nice option showcases stills from the movie with director's commentary.

2. "The Kid Stay's In The Picture"
DVD Release: Warner Bros.

"The Kid Stay's In The Picture" is the documentary film based on Rober Evans best selling biography of himself. Evans was a two bit actor who lived a Cinderella story that ended up with him running mammoth Paramount studios in the 60's and 70's. It was Evans who bought Neal Simon plays like "Barefoot In The Park" and "The Odd Couple" and developed them as huge hit movies. Evans helped finance "The Godfather" as a novel and film and he brought in Coppola to direct. Robert Evans hired Roman Polanski for "Rosemary's Baby" and "Chinatown".

In 1974 Evans had three out of five Best Picture nominee's at the Academy Awards ("Godfather 2", "The Conversation", and "Chinatown"). Then he fell and hit the ground hard. Drug use, drug charges, murder, broken marriages, and old friends who betray long held trusts.
What make's the story so compelling are friends like Jack Nicholson who stand by in thick and thin and the ever changing face of a lousy/wonderful business called show.

The book "The Kid Stay's In The Picture" was a great read. It was the best selling book on tape til Hillary Clinton's book hit the shelves.

[These two are listening to Hillary's book on tape. My wife said this picture didn't belong here, but it does because they're listening to Hillary's book, okay?!-Ed.]

It is a fascinating colorful very satisfying movie. The DVD is great. The extra features are a bit self serving but the scenes from Evans home movies are a must see. Note: watch all of Dustin Hoffman on the set of "Marathon Man" doing a dead on Evans impression. Very funny.
If you love movies then you must own this picture and love him or hate him (probably both at the same time) you will find the last great movie mogul Robert Evans a fascinating guy.

Well Jim that's "Home Theatre" for this week and now back to you.

JF: Thanks Jim I can't wait to see those documentaries. I usually overlook that kind of movie at the video store but not anymore. Thanks.

Now tomorrow "The Marlon Brando Show" will be pre-empted so we can bring you exclusive coverage of the New Hampshire primary.
Here's Connie Chung with a preview.

CC: Thanks, Jim. Hello, everyone and welcome to our "Silly Thinking" New Hampshire Election Headquarters.

CC: Tommorow is the big day in Democratic politics where we will see if SKULL AND BONES and pro-war candidate, John Kerry, can maintain his lead in the polls at the polls.

Will Howard Dean be able to make voters forget his anti-christ smile and insane ravings to finish second or is he finished?

And what about the supposedly well hung war criminal Wesley Clark? Will he surge ahead despite his rejection of a lonely television journalist.

And what about sweet and studly John Edwards? Will he pull ahead again like he did in Iowa or will extra marital affairs with married news anchors of Asian descent become public record and cripple his chances?

I don't even want to think about Joe Lieberman in bed. It makes me sick.

And what about Reverend Al Sharpton and Dennis Kunicich?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Just kidding. They don't have a chance with me or the voters of New Hampshire.

CC: We will be here tommorow with our entire "S.T." news team including the man who played the president in "Independence Day" Bill Pullman, and some of Strom Thurman's bastard milado children.

JF: Uhh.. thanks Connie. Can't wait. Sounds great.
For all of us at "Silly Thinking" thanks for blogging. Good night.

Jim Farris Presents Silly Thinking with Douglas Lain.It really is all here!

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