Silly Thinking

*with Jim Farris*

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Question and Answer Time
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And now a "Silly Thinking" special.

"Question and Answer Time".

Here's your host Jim Farris.

Thank you Jim. Hi everyone. Usually on Monday's we do "Home Theatre" but this week I thought I'd answer some questions from our readers. So let's get started.

'Dear Jim'
it begins...

'I really don't know what your doing putting on movie reviews all the time. I'm bored out of my skull. Where is the HI-larious comedy and incisive political commentary I used to enjoy?
Also what happened to all those wonderful illustarions and pictures? You guys have certainly gotten sloppy.

A Fan,

Thanks for the letter, Leonard. And what a good question.
Those pictures and illustrations come under the perview of Douglas Lain at our visual aids and distribution center. I usually do the text and he adds the pictures.
Sometimes he gets tired and forgets.

Here's another letter:

'Dear Jim:
What the hell are you doing? This is crap!

Thanks, Marlon. Well, we do our best. I consider "S.T." a work in progress. Were always looking for new and inventive features. Some work and some don't.
But we keep trying!

'Dear Jim:
I'm a ninety eight year old retired school teacher in Roanoke Virginia. I read "Stupid Thinking" every day.
What the hell happened to all those photo's I used to enjoy? It seems that about half the time you don't even bother anymore. Also what's with that "Analyzing My Movements" thing? Dickie Lain used to talk about politics and things. He's really become a "one note Sammy" if you know what I mean?

Thanks for writing Connie. Well Douglas Lain is doing a multi part look at a small select group of people involved with the anti war movement in Portland, Oregon and his disaggreements with thier motives and methods. When that's completed (I believe he's doing 100 episodes) I hope Doug starts talking abbout other areas of intrest too.
Douglas also usually does the illustrations when he remembers.

Here's another letter from a fan:

'Dear Jim:
You're a real ass! Your making these letter up just to knock me. Why don't you just stop it and do something important. And by the way where are all those photo's that you used to have? About half the time you don't even bother with them. Like yesterday's post had about half the pictures it should. What happened?
Douglas Lain'

Thanks for the letter, Doug. You're right, I am making up these letters to kill time, and because you seem to be my only reader and even you don't bother to read Home Theatre or Jim's Movie Log. It's just no fun.
I don't know what happened to the photo's but it seems as if Doug isn't that interested anymore.

And finally this letter from Portland Oregon.

'Dear Jim:
I think you may be going insane. Becuase this is me, Jim, writing myself wanting an answer about the material at "Silly Thinking" that I write.
I enjoy your material but the movies reviews and filler seem dull. Also what happened to all those great photo's that you (me) used to have with the written material?
And who taught you to spell? Your spelling sucgs!
Love you,
Jim Farris'

Thanks, Jim! Cool down buddy. I hear you. We'll think about making some changes in some of the features.
As I've said over and over again, Doug does most of the photos; ask him what happened instead of this passive agressive bullshit of pretending to communicate throuh letters that you make up. You even made up the letters from Doug Lain and Jim Farris.
And I know you know that I'm sloppy with spelling and grammar. Doug used to fix it, but now he retuses to, and I just don't bother. I'm lazy and when I start typing I just go with the flow. I'll try to improve.

Well thanks for all the letters everyone. Keep 'em coming!

Join us tommorow for Connie Chung and special reports from "Mini- Super Tuesday". Marlon Brando will be here Thursday on a special day and time.

I'll see you later.

Jim Farris presents Silly Thinking with Douglas Lain.
It REALLY is all here!

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