Silly Thinking

*with Jim Farris*

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RONALD REAGAN 1911- 2004.

Here from our New York World News Headquarters in New York is Connie Chung.

CC: President Ronald Reagan has died. The former American president who fought a long battle with Alzheimer’s Disease. Died earlier today at age 93.
Services, public and private, are being worked out and the family, including former first lady Nancy Reagan, is in seclusion at this hour.
Here to discuss the legacy of this Republican icon is another former Republican President, Gerald Ford.
Good evening Mister Former President Ford. Thank you for being with us at this difficult time.

GF: Thank you Barbara.

CC: Mister former President, what are your personal memories of the Former President?

GF: Katie, do you mean memories of myself?

CC: No, Mister Former President, your personal memories of the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Wilson Reagan.

GF: Barbara they go back a long way, as a young model I was laughing my ass off, sitting in a darkened movie theatre, watching Ronald Reagan do battle with a monkey in “Bedtime For Bonzo”. Hilarious.

CC: Yes. I was thinking more about memories of President Reagan as a Republican leader.

GF: I’m a blank Barbara. A complete blank.

CC: Did you know him, personally?

GF: He was a man of mystery, Katie. I don’t recall…

CC: Thank you Mister Former President.

GF: Yes.

CC: The details of the former President’s death are not known at this hour. President Bush, in France for the commemoration of D-Day said Ronald Reagan was a “beloved leader” who was “loved by the American people”.
We will have much more on Ronald Reagan as the memorials go on this week.
Now, here at Silly Thinking, we would like to present Ronald Reagan as we remember him, in a rare appearance on “ST” last year.
I’m Connie Chung in New York. We’ll see you soon.

Hello, Silly Thinkers.This is Dan Rather from CBS News World Headquarters in New York. Here is a special announcement from former president Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan: Well.... Hello.... I... uhh.... well... I read today that the CBS television network has cancelled me... well... well... I was shocked to see this... and I... well... just wanted to say that.. it was a good run and I thank all... I read today that the CBS television network cancelled me... and I well...

Nancy Reagan: (whispers) We're doing everything we can.

RR: I read today that the CBS televison network cancelled me... we're doing everything we can... and I... uhhh just want to say that we had a good run... and... uhh... I....I just thought it would be good to come here and say that I read today that the CBS television network cancelled me... and... thats all I had to say really... I... uhh... well...

NR: (whispers) We're doing everything we can.

RR: And I.. we are doing everything we can.. and I...well.... I... well...

This has been a special announcement from former President Ronald Reagan. I'm Dan Rather in New York. See you later.

RR:... I always come back and.. well.. I...

NR: (whispers) We are doing everything we can!

RR: Yes! Well...and.. I...we're doing everything we can. Live by the sword and die by the sword. I.. Swing low sweet chariot...well... well... Put that in the service closet... I...

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