Silly Thinking

*with Jim Farris*

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From Washington D.C., here is Connie Chung.

CC: Good morning. Today is a National Day of Mourning, a day when we, the media, politicians, entertainers, policemen, grocery clerks, prisoners, soldiers, librarians, child molesters, priests, all of us, all Americans, and all freedom loving people everywhere, from Greece, Turkey, England, Italy, Bora Bora, from Canada, the former Soviet Union, even China, but not Cuba, can gather together, even if we are all apart, and enjoy the spectacle and pageantry of a primitive, some would say ghoulish, ceremony that is uniquely American, but truly international. A funeral. A big state funeral. A big state funeral that we have just witnessed at the national cathedral in Washington D.C.

A gathering of glittering international leaders currently in power and in exile, some out of power, some revered, some despised, all coming together to honor a former B-actor, who achieved greatness, first in California, then all across the length and depth of this country, that we all live in and love so much. So much.

A man, who with the help of powerful ruthless businessmen became a beacon of hope for the wealthy and pampered in this great freedom loving capitalist state that we all love or hate, so much. So much.

But on this day of National Mourning, we can all put that aside, whether we work for ST, CNN, NBC, CBS, UPN, but not FOX, and glory in the pomp and circumstance of a religious ceremony and tip our collective hats to a former president who disenfranchised millions of poor and sick people from one end of the globe to another, from all parts of this great and wonderful place, a man who simplistically, even basically, did all he could to make greed and avarice the accepted norm, as opposed to care and concern.

The man who played the President in the classic film “Independence Day”, Bill Pullman, joins me now, he has been watching this passion play, this remodeling of history with me. Bill, your thoughts.

BP: Thank you Connie. Watching the ceremony in the National Cathedral today, I was struck by some of the eulogies. The current as well as former Bush (es) spoke, and many others. But perhaps the most touching was an old and frail, dusty, fragile Lady Dame Margaret Thatcher, the oppressive former Prime Minister of Britain attend.

CC: Yes, she looked like a good wind would knock her over and take her away as well.

BP: Yes Connie, she looked half dead her self. She did a eulogy on tape, a pre recorded tape package of memorable moments of her thoughts of the former President.

CC: Moving.

BP: Moving.

CC: President Pullman, the motorcade carrying the former Gipper has reached Dana Andrews Air Force Base and is unloading the coffin back onto Air Force One, and will now start a long journey back to Simi Valley where Ronald Wilson Reagan will be finally planted in the earth, in his final resting place, on a golden library on the hill.

BP: Yes Connie, as opposed to the Washington National ceremony choked with national and international leaders and former leaders….

CC: Was Saddam Hussein there?

BP: I think he was naked, deprived of water, and kept awake for several hours and could not attend. His sons would have attended, but they to have moved on to the City on the Hill, so I think he sent a small bouquet of flowers and a drinking cup.

CC: The tradition. Traditions, so much of today had to do with pointless ceremony and tradition.

BP: Yes, very moving, and as opposed to that ceremony, tonight’s ceremony in Simi Valley will be more personal, family members will speak, and guests will be good friends of the Reagan’s, Margaret Thatcher will attend, along with Merv Griffin, Pat Sajack, Tom Sellick, Bo Derek, Hellboy, and the Devil.

CC: And we will be there to cover the private ceremony live. See you later.


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