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ST Democratic Convention LIVE!
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ST Democratic Convention LIVE

Here, from the home of the Democratic Convention, The Fleet Center in Boston, is Connie Chung, reporting live from our ST Democratic Convention News Headquarters.

CC: Good afternoon again and welcome back to our ST Democratic Convention coverage, from our ST Democratic Convention Headquarters, at the home of Democratic Convention: The Fleet Center in Boston. I’m Connie Chung.
We have some breaking news happening right now.


Here, from our Democratic Convention Headquarters at the home Democratic National Convention, the Fleet Center in Boston, is Connie Chung.

CC: Good afternoon again. The plane carrying John Edwards to this convention has just taxied to a stop at Logan Airport in Boston. On the scene LIVE is Kelly Bright.

KB: That’s right Connie! The Kerry- Edwards campaign plane has just landed here in Boston and you can see it now.

KB: Inside the plane is the soon to be Vice Presidential candidate for the Democrats, John Edwards. He will be deplaning soon, and will speak at the convention tomorrow night. Just a moment…

CC: What is it Kelly? What’s happening?

KB: Yes, Connie, it is confirmed by security on the ground here at the airport that John Edwards will be deplaning soon and will… get off the plane and…. be on the ground here in Boston.

CC: Do we know when?

KB: I am trying to get that confirmed Connie… Soon! He will deplane soon.

CC: Keep on the story Kelly. We’ll get back to you.
Tonight is a big night for the Democrats. Scheduled speakers include Doctor Howard Dean, who we were told would speak last night but will, indeed speak tonight, and Ted Kennedy, who has been rehearsing for his speech today. And two former Republicans will speak, Ron Reagan Junior will address the crowd on stem cell research and Teresa Heinz Kerry Ketchup, the presumed new first lady when George Bush is voted out of office, will address the convention in prime time.
Our Bill Pullman has been poking around the convention floor and has an interesting delegate from Ohio to talk to. Bill….

BP: Thank you Connie. I was in the Ohio delegation earlier today and found a delegate some of you may know, Jerry Springer. Good afternoon Jerry.

JS: Hi Bill. Hi Connie.

BP: Jerry, what brings you to the convention?

JS: Well, I was a politician before I went into the TV talk show business, and have been to every Democratic convention since ’72. I have never seen the Democrats so united as they are here. They are united against George Bush. It’s gratifying.

BP: Jerry, there have been rumors that you might run for office yourself…

CC: Bill, I have to break in and go back to the airport and Kelly Bright.

KB: Yes, as you can see the plane delivering John Edwards to this convention is still on the ground
with the presumed Vice Presidential candidate aboard… the door is opening…..
Yes it is now open….

and, some gentlemen just deplaned. I don’t know who they are… and now… Well there seems to be some delay as the door is open and no one is deplaning at the moment.

CC: Will John Edwards deplane the plane?

KB: Deplane! Deplane! Ha ha…


KB: I am getting confirmation that he will deplane…. soon. He will deplane the plane momentarily. Yes momentarily, not soon, but momentarily….

CC: Kelly, we will stay with you there at Logan Airport.

KB: Thank you Connie. It’s a large plane
as you can see. John Kerry built the plane, rather bought the plane for this campaign. The door is still open
and I can see some movement inside…

CC: Kelly, is Mrs. Edwards and John’s little children also on board?

KB: Mrs. Edwards is, is not?, Is, is on the plane with John Edwards, and will deplane with him, on the tarmac here at the airport. It’s a very modern airport and… quite beautiful here, not to breezy, and just the right weather for a deplaning.

CC: Kelly we will get right back with you as soon as the Edwards deplane. Now lets go back on the floor with Bill Pullman and Jerry Springer.


JS: I didn’t mean to pry.

BP: PRY? MY MOTHERS A B---------. And so is my brother!

JS: I think we need to get security here!

CC: Bill, sorry to interrupt but we must go back to the airport and Kelly Bright.
What’s happening now Kelly?

KB: The door is open and a women walked out with some papers or books, and now… now, they actually closed the door, half way, they closed it half way. And John Edwards and Mrs. Edwards will deplane, just a moment... we are now back to soon.
They will deplane soon. Connie.

CC: Thank you Kelly and Bill and Jerry. That’s it for us for now. This is Connie Chung saying ‘be seeing you’.

KB: The door is now open a crack…

ST News IS!

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