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What did I want to do with my life again...?
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Silent at the crossroad

Before I officially begin my journal, I would like to recognize the much anticipated arrival of Sharon Kim's journal... I am so happy she is finally apart of the growing community that is www.journalscape.com ...

Now then, now that I am unemployed again, I exist each day to determine what it is that I will be doing for at least the next few years if not the rest of my life (although, I really do not think I am capable of doing just one thing for the rest of my life).

My current outline is as follows... I will be brainstorming ideas for companies that I can start in Japan, and different companies that I can start in America. After I have a good list together, I will be scrutenizing over the fun and overall profitability of the various ideas, and will narrow my ideas down to just a few for each country. Then, and here is where you come-in, I will be posting my ideas with very VERY VERY brief business outlines to solicit your advice and opinions about the various ideas.

Initially, very few factors will be taken into consideration when establishing this initial list of ideas... for instance, the fact that I want to create a new car company may seem a bit excessive considering the obvious start-up costs... but I will not be limiting any potentially good ideas at this phase in the game.

Additionally, if anyone reading this journal has any ideas for a new company, and would like to forward them to me (as long as you would never expect anything in return), it would be greatly appreciated.

I will make it my goal to have this initial list of ideas posted here by Tuesday, August 23rd.

Also, before I forget, it is my sister Jennifers birthday on August 29th, just 11 shopping days away... even if you don't know her, just go to her journal and email her to say Happy Birthday... how do you get to her journal you ask??? Well, if she ever gets off her lazy ass and links our journals as I have requested, it will be easy for you to send her a warm birthday greeting.

I am sorry, this entry is pretty lame, but really, all I do recently, is stair into the crossroad... I am a bit nervous to think so seriously about this new company, because I know I am about to be deciding to risk what little money I have on something that I have never done before... but that is the difference between entrepreneurs, and people who dream of being entrepreneurs... in the end, there is always comfort (for once) in knowing that no matter what happens, my obsessive compulsive nature will take-over, and I will be fine... ahhhh, obsessive compulsive... my safety flaw...

In related news, while doing my brainstorming, it has come to my attention that I have many strange ideas that might not neccessarily make me any money, but would be really good ideas for other comapnies to try or institute... of course I am trying to figure out how to make money with this, but usually it is just about adding something here or making greater efficiency there or something that you really cannot charge for...

One example of this, although far grom the best example, is the Big Mac. Currently, McDonald's uses hamburger paties on the Big Mac... trying so desperately to capitalize on every possible variation of there food, I cannot understand why they haven't tried the Grand Mac, the same Big Mac with Quarter Pound paties instead of the hamburger paties...

The I thought about the possibility of opening a consulting business for efficiency and productivity, but I really want to own a shop of somekind... decorate, design, market for, etc...

I don't know... I guess we'll just have to wait until Tuesday to see what the first wave of ideas is...

Hope all is well with you! Sorry again for the lame entry...

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