Land of J-Spot
My Musings, and why they may be funny.

Songs of J-Spot
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Okay, DSL modem came in today, with working at Qwest I might as well get it and join in on the offers right? Well I'm not as pleased as punch as I thought I would be. It has built in wireless, w00t!, and it's fairly easy to setup. But there are a few issues in place at the moment that are annoying me and really in a way not worth my time tonight.

Let's see my plans for this weekend, and I'll keep updated here to let y'all know how it went. K-Spot has to work, but I will help out and watch the parade with her and the clients for the local state fair that is tomorrow. Later on maybe Sunday a friend from my team at work is going to get a bunch of people together and see if we all can go and just hang out on her boat. Nice team building exercise I say, I'm for it. I'll have to call tomorrow and see if it is happening on Sunday. If not she is doing it Monday and then I can't join cause me and K-Spot are going to go to the fair while she and I are both off work.

Let's see, annoyed with just the press right now, all I keep seeing is the sadness and devistation that has happened from Katrina. I have yet to actually really see a lot of the good that has been happening, for instance if you have space in your home you can volunteer to help a family find a place to stay. EG has found multiple ways to help donate something more than just mon-ay. Walmart has said they will open up temp stores and will also give the supplies away if the people can't afford what they are getting. There has got to be more, stories of families finding eachother, something happy to add to all this instead of just slamming us with sadness.

What else.... Not much I guess, guess i'll game.

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