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* Have spent a good part of the past 36 hours sideswiped preoccupied by a 49-line poem that insisted on being written. I will almost certainly fail to consider this a good thing while at work later today, but at the moment, I'm pleased.

* A flurry of unexpected postcards and notes. :-)

* Bacon, mushroom, and tomato pizza at Mellow Mushroom with the BYM.

* Finally read the spring issue of the NYT Style Magazine. Some choice quotes:

"Five hundred sheep will turn 10 grassy acres into a golf course, overnight." - Don Watson

"'s hard to explain the difference between flour, baking powder, anthrax and cocaine without words." - Lauren Bugeja, on attempting to develop text-free recipe cards

Kevin Van Aelst's contributor's bio mentions that he "tells students that talent alone can take them only so far: 'Patience and obsession can be more of a factor for success.'"

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