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today I get older...funny, I think Ive said [asked] this before, but how can a person age a whole year in a single day? seems silly, were you to ask me...

heres something funny, the urban word of the day today:

August 17: gr7

A little less than gr8 (great) but still better than just good
said grr-sev-en

A:how are you?

B: gr7 you?

A: Just good

and actually, thats about how Im feeling--'almost great'. got the standard life issues, but nothing that wont pass, and feeling pretty decent healthwise in light of the fact I got pretty drunk friday night [being out of practise*, when I drink a lot nowadays I feel like a squashed turd for two or three days after] and my head's kinda clear--which is a wonderous 'thang'.

so I got some BD cards today...SDN (sex date network) sent a form letter wishing me a happy BD and reminding me that for a small fee I can look at women's profiles and "get laid tonight!" Steven King sent me a note [We at The Message Board would like to wish you a happy birthday today!] that I truly believe was penned by King himself; doesnt it seem like something he'd write? [giggle]

my mom called and wished me a happy one...

Vic & her son Harley got me a way cool card about farts--it even sounds-off a cool pootish noise, I had the distinct impression I needed to wipe...

Vanesa sent me a wish that still has my head spinning...

and the day is young. hell, I might even start drinking here directly [theres an unopened fifth of jim beam in the fridge, also theres a ton of beer--just because I dont drink often is no reason to let stock deplete] I can be all good and lit-up if my family shows...

thinkin of lightin a fire outside, have a bit of campfire funzies....or.......maybe go to my chair and continue purusing Jeffery Deaver's book The Broken Window [great stuff, its a lincoln rhymes novel(one of several)], of which Im hooked.....or......theres chores to be done. started yesterday cleaning house. got the bedroom kinda sorta straight. but I had to do that. last week I brought home a mattress & boxspring of way good quality but had nowhere to keep them--they leaned sideways on the porch all week. I mean, the bedroom had only a small path between boxes of glasswear, books/magazines, CDs/DVDs/VCRs/and I would have no doubt theres an 8-track tape or trwo floating around in there, tools, and of course jeans that wont fit but cant be tossed away--you know those kind, right? too good, but too tight, and hey, I wont always be fat... so yeah, got that arranged and put the bedding in there. I bet the neighbors are relieved.

so lets talk bees.
roughly two weeks ago Vic came here during the day while I was working, turned on the kitchen light and the AC, and promptly got stung. she sprayed some stuff on 'em and left. then when I got here, I didnt see bee one. and we've seen nothing of bees since...until friday night. christ, they swarmed that light in there like a horror movie--a thick cloud of buzzing yellow death, planning on stinging the world into a bee supremacy a poet might say, and I sprayed and sprayed and swatted and sprayed some more and still they kept coming. this went on friday night before me and Vic left (comedy night at a bar, saw a few funny fellows, btw) and afterwards when we both were sauced. then all day saturday the battle raged. was swatting and spraying until I run outta I got the bright idea of hooking up the bug light. and TADA!!!!!! fuck those little fucking bastards, I killed damn near every one. last night I think I saw one straggler...and this morning was one (he flew into the zapper and met his maker while I cheered his death) but now the kitchen is clear of stinging insects.
I got no clue where they came from, only know that "they came." well...theyre gone, so can I get a witness?

writing, off and on. worked a few thousand words yesterday and feeling like adding. it'll be a short story, posted here I s'pose, and prolly finished within the week. all I need to do is take the idea from my head and write it...then edit, then post, then check comments cuz Im an attention junky....

ummmmm...cant think of anything else to tell ya right now.

*brit spelling

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