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re: faycardentrt's comment/monday/q&a
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said he: this is a big un

he wasnt talking about my hammer (I use a 22oz serrated face Eswing--most people I know use 20oz), he didnt mean my belly (I am a big 'un, but not in this context), and he surely wasnt referring to my winkie (he's never seen it, and if he did, he'd describe it differently Im sure). what he expounded so eloquently about was my wordcount of a story posted elsewhere here.

and he's right.

and its funny, too

I tried to be short/sweet/to the point on this last one cuz everything Ive written so far during this resurgence of fiction creating has been of wordinessly madness.

so is it a problem?

could be, rabbit. I know what happened during the last story; I couldnt find the right ending...I believe I just wrote my way to it, though. rereading it, really, theres not too much I could hack, but thats not the point--it shouldnt have been written in the first place because of the idea I had of wordcount. I figured maybe 500, 750 tops.

could it be a good thing?

does this mean Im ready to do a novel? can I take an idea[r] and write my way through thousands and thousands of words trying to get to the ending only to find, when Im done, its novel length?

fuck, I dunno. all I know is I still got a toofache, and that'll prolly make it to some upcoming story one day soon.

[insert three asterisks to denote minor subject matter change]

been writing a good bit lately, btw. and doing it differently than before , too. I have four separate unfinished ghost stories that Im bouncing between, trying for one good one. two kinda show promise, the other two are wasted 1's and 0's on my hard drive, all are overly long, too. without looking, I'd bet the shortest one is close to a thousand words. the longest is at 2,764.

Im almost positive the long one will see the light of day

[insert shitload of tildes to denote major subject matter change]

anyone doing anything cool for the holiday monday?

everyone got their whites ready to be packed away?

is there propane in the bbq tank?

got plenty of ambersol? (oh, sorry, thats my personal question...)

I dunno what Im gonna do. either lay around here and wish I was doing something creative (or possibly financially gainful) or if someone in the family has a shindig, mayhaps take a ride for some free hotdogs.

heres the q&a thing mentioned in the subject line. I did it a few days ago, so all answers're subject to change...

1) Do you like blue cheese? 2 words: fuck no. I dont eat anything that looks and smells like that jelly-looking shit from 4-day-old underpants...ick, I say

2) Have you ever smoked heroin? probably.

3) Do you own guns? no, dont believe in them. actually, I think theres a shotgun out back in the shed that belongs to the dude that use to live here... one day Ill either sell it or give it away

4) What is your favorite drink at Starbucks? dunno...aint been to one in a long time...but Im a somple guy, prolly just do the coffee of the day

5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? yes

6) What do you think of hot dogs? YUM YUM YUM!!!!!!!!! onions and mustard...YUM YUM YUM!!!!!

8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? coffee, and lots of it.

9) Can you do a push up? some days

10) Can you do a chin up? some days...

11) Favorite piece of jewelry? dont do jewelry

12) Favorite hobby? changes from year to year...guess currently Im a sudoku nut--which is changing to crosswords, btw...but at one time I was a fiction writer/musician/woodworker/yardkeeper (I had a beautiful yard several times—not now, tho, I barely keep it mowed)

13) Ever been on a boat? Yes, I live on the ohio river...

14) Do you have A.D.D.? not that I know of

16) Middle name? Van...

17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? Im hungry…my tooth doesn’t hurt…want another coffee.

18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday? Ciggies, lottery ticket (20 dollar winner, btw), prolly a coffee

19) Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Coffee, pepsi, water

20) Current worry? money

21) Current hate right now?

23) How did you bring in the New Year? Reading a book and falling asleep, the same way I bring in most new days

24) Where would you like to travel? Nowhere, I like it here.

25) Name three people who will complete this? dunno

26) Do you own slippers? Fuck yes…wearing one pair now

27) What shirt are you wearing? Not wearing a shirt...just slippers and a pair of shorts

28) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Dunno…I think there’s some cotton stuff on the bed now

29) Can you whistle? Yes, so?

30) Favorite color? Deep dark blue, with deep dark green a really close second

31) Would you be a pirate? nah

32) What songs do you sing in the shower? Whatever is in my head at the time

33) Favorite girl's name? hmmmmmmm…guess I aint got a fav. It’s the enigma attached that’s important.

34) Favorite boy's name? same as above

35) What's in your pocket? lint

37) Best bed sheets as a child? dunno

38) Worst injury you've ever had? When I got banged-up ral good in a nasty car wreck

39) Do you love where you live now? Not really

40) How many TVs do you have in your house? 3, with one in storage

41) Who is your loudest friend? Crazy Dave

42) How many dogs do you have? Don’t do dogs

43) How many cats do you have? One, her name is Cat and she’s my baby

44) What is your favorite movie?

Of all time? Starman
Family? Prolly some old Disney thing with kurt russel
Comedy? The holy grail, maybe
Horror? The shining or maybe the first Friday the 13th...
SciFi/Fantasy? Lord of the rings, I ‘spect
Drama? 4 brothers
Action? The die hard stuff.

45) What is your favorite book? Tommyknockers...but lisey’s story holds a very close second.

46) What is your favorite candy? Payday or butterfinger bars

47) Favorite sport? baseball

48) What song do you want played at your funeral? Love lies bleeding

49) What were you doing 12 AM last night? snoring

50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? My fucking toofache!

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