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hey brother, cant ya spare'a bit'a'advice?
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say, for instance, I wanted to run a pay site--be mister bigshot, head cheese, de honcho de la bosso, god of gods, something like that... like pretend I have a weekly column I wanna sell to the world.
how, pray tell, would I go about making that happen? could I somehow break into every home in the world, install a password on each computer, then demand a few bucks for a plain brown email with the key inside? I know that sounds like a lot of work...well, too much work and Im a lazy fuck. that wont work; let's scrap that notion.

so what site or place would I go to?

and what would I do?

if you could send me in the right direction I could study-up and get what I need. its for a story, so it aint gotta be 'perfect' but it does have to be kinda truthful--if you can dig my drift, man.

heres a wee taste of Seer:

Bain’s Thoughts had run weekly for five months, starting Monday during the first week of January, 2008. In that auspicious beginning he’d posted some crazy stuff that when bent far out of context could be attributed to real-life events, mostly vague stuff that had to be bent really hard, but close enough to pull people in. His first quatrain had this as the third line: White hail will stop the western bird. Oddly enough, the next day a freakish winter storm slammed areas of California effectively shutting down airports and reeking havoc with power lines. Outages ensued.

Billy could only laugh; he’d written that line (and quite a few others) with cocaine as his subject. The bird was what had popped into his mind as he racked his brain for the correct number of syllables.

btw, Im having a freakin blast with this one. even with the selective history studies for research--and I kinda dont care for studying history

plus, I switched from Courier New to Times New Roman. what a difference. one of the biggest advantages--to me, anyway--is the em dash. courier's dash is so short it looks like a damn hyphen whereas Times' looks like a damn em dash--like its 'aposta.

also, its just a cooler font.

okay, gotta split. see ya'all later

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