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not a typo, thats the title of a neal stephson book Im almost finished with. long-ass motherfucker, too, with 1044 pages. all good stuff. its one of those 'got everything' kinda stories; russian mobsters, terrorists, likable but faulted heroes, a huge computer game (something like world of warcraft [or whatever its called]) thats a central pivot of the plot, and acres and acres of different places all over the planet. funny, I usually dont dig stuff from outside the US [familiarity in location, Im guessing] but I did feel right at home in china, tiawan, canada and all the other places this book went.

I recommend Reamde to those of you who like a good action/suspense story. the dude is a very good writer and the plot is highly attractive.

speaking of long things (no, not my dick) just finished 11/33/63, stephen king's latest. what a great great book. this one is most positivly 'way up there' in king's work. I cant say his best (cuz I think I say that everytime he releases a novel) but I can say that this one is in the top 5 out of all that he's written, imho. I shouldnt have to give any kind of outline because if you have any eyes, youve prolly already read about its plot.

highly recommended.

furthering the long thing thang, watched lord of the ring this past week.

ummmm...twice. thats 18 hours of frodo, samwise, treebeard, and viggo mortensen spread out over 4 (or maybe 5) days. and I could do it again; theres so much information to keep in mind. I did a search for the 1978 version (I recall seeing it in a junky theater when I was but a wee child) and found it along with a '78 version of the hobbit--both of which I quickly ordered from the local library.

while searching for the '78 flick, I came across plenty of really cool info about peter jackson and other LOTR stuff that instead of mentioning here will simply direct your bad self to wikipidia. its all there and its pretty much all cool.

on the opposing end of long stuff, I got owen king's book we're all in this together, a novella and a few shorts. I startred the novella and lost it on it. was ...well, for lack of a better word, boring to the extert of tears. prior to it going back to the library Ill take a gander at some of the shorts. as you all know, I adore S king's work. and some of you know, I give way high praise to joe hill's 2 novels and several shorts. so far, I am unable to go 3 for 3. I cannot say (yet): like father, like son's'.

hmmm, what else. selling the mineral rights to my land. sometime next year, Ill be somewhat wealthy. 18 acres at a bit over 5 grand per, less taxes, and Ill have the ability to buy any damn book I want. the house will be paid for. there'll be a slightly used* chevy s-10 in the driveway, a kickass pooter, and a lot less blood/sweat/tears paying the electric bill. theres a shitload of people who own land 'round here that have signed on and ther're pretty much rolling in cash, and they signed on way too early, back when the offer on the table was under 4 g's an acre. I let my sister handle this and she's doing a great job.

as of today:
my truck is running wonderfully. it starts just by looking at the key (okay, maybe not that easy) and the muffler is mostly silent after the ungodly amount of juryrigging I did.
work is lean, been raining and we currently have no inside work. wont be an issue soon...YAY!
a rare occurance, I beat my son Shaun in an online chess game (only because he'd been way busy and didnt make a move in the alloted time, lost by forfeiture).
started thinking about the christmas holiday and the decorations that go along with it. I need to remove a chair to make room for a tree but therers nowhere at all for a huge cozy puffy chair. my bedroom is floor to ceiling with boxes and hampers and stuff so thats not an option and the livingroom is basically maxed furniture-wise. maybe I could use a short tree and sit in in the chair? hmmmmm

k, nuff boring shit from ahia. not gonna do a look-over for spelling and/or lapse of thought cuz the pizza is done...go read a fucking book why dont ya

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