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Journal editor: Pat Kane

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waving goodbye, saying hello

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Edited by Pat Kane (email)

Hi everyone!

Not by any means a farewell note, but certainly a "bookmark" note...

I took some time over the Xmas holidays to adapt my new Typepad blogging account, and the results have been excellent. So if you want a daily update on matters play-ethical, please go to the same URL's as before -, or If you're very up to speed with social software, there is an XML feed on the site.

At some point, when the promotion for the book hots up, I might need some extra bloggers to keep the site hot. (Howard Rheingold's Smart Mobs site is the model). If any of you are interested in becoming a PlayJournal blogger - I only have social capital to offer, I'm afraid - please let me know.

The entry categories of the new site have also been organised according to the chapter topics of the forthcoming Play Ethic book, out in June of this year on Macmillan (see to pre-order!).

This is the start of a build-up to the book's launch that will involve public and media events, initially in the UK but hopefully throughout the world - or at least to those places and people, from Vancouver to Sydney to Helsinki to New York - that have responded to these ideas over the last four years. I'm presuming I can include you all in a monthly mail-out of a new and revamped Play Ethic Network newsletter.

This site will still remain active, as an archive for existing columns at least, until I can find someone willing to translate its entries into my new Typepad archives (me probably, on a very rainy Sunday.

I hope you can all join me in the new blog - this is going to be some year!

best wishes to all



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