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Five Feet
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So, we get a call on Saturday from the first of the contractors to take a gander at the garage-that-was-to-become-an-apartment, and he says that the parking thing should not be an issue, but there is a bigger problem. Any new construction has to be completed at least five feet from the property line.

Alas, the fence (which is likely the property line) at the back corner of the garage is only three-and-a-half feet away. Now, we could conceivably haul a surveyor out here and make them mark off new lines, if the property line is further out, but it's not likely to be enough of a difference, if it's one at all.

So, Contractor Guy says, we can build up, or somewhere else. Up is likely to have numerous complications, if only because it's trying to conform to an already existant structure below it, and it would mean a third story for any kind of loft or extra space. That leaves building elsewhere on the property, also doable, especially in the Back Forty. We have a greenhouse out there that we barely use which could be dismantled or moved, and that would leave a good sized plot for a new construction. Of course, that means plumbing would have to be run out there-it already has electricity--and gas lines for heat/stove, etc. But it also means we can do more personal designing of the space.

Both options are likely to be spendy, though. Ah, well; it's only money*, right?

*Which I'm still trying to secure. Ran into a snag with the lender due to my school loan, where the lobos at ACS had declared I was delinquent on my payments last spring. A nice trick on my part, considering I've been either in deferrment or paying my bill, continuously, for the last 10 years. Snag was ironed out this morning, though, with my school promising me a note that says, "She's fine." Money should be forthcoming soonly.

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