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Further Thoughts on Language
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The people involved in yesterday's situation and I had a little meeting today and shared our feelings. They apologized for their rudeness in speaking another language in a business situation, excluding me from the conversation (talking across me, actually).

I apologized for my abrupt departure and my irritable attitude. Rudeness on their part was no excuse for bad manners on mine.

Then we got into a conversation on language and citizenship. They felt that the election materials and the ballots should be printed in their mother tongue and in every language spoken in this country.

I said that English was the language used to create our Constitution, its Amendments (including the Bill of Rights), all of our laws and statutes and in which the political debate takes place. Newly sworn citizens have to pass an English and civics test. English is our de facto national language. The voting materials and ballots should be in English only.

What do you think?

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