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Topix of the Day: Weather and Vacation
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Well, we finally got the vacation snarl untangled. I'm a supervising type person, so if any of the office employees (except my boss) is going to be at work, I have to be on duty, too.

So here's how it's shakin' at least for now: We will be on vacation December 24 (one employee kept saying Christmas Eve December 23rd, until we asked her what kind of Christian is that?), December 25th (of course) and all the next week, returning to work Monday, January 4th.

I gave everyone my cell phone number and said to them that if they changed their minds about Christmas week and were not coming to work after all, please call me because if you aren't working, then neither am I.

We used to get Christmas Eve day off, at one time the whole day (paid), then half day (paid), but now if we want time off, it has to be taken as vacation. Just to be snarky I took it as religious observance of my choice, because I say, thank god for vacation.

I am going to be lay worship leader for Christmas Eve services and I was wondering how I was going to squeeze it all in, time wise. So the vacation day will be most welcome.

Now for the weather, another snark. We have a severe weather alert for areawide flooding. Well, duh. It's been raining heavily for a day and a half, what else do they expect? Do people really need to be told, as they stand there soaking wet, that there's a possibility of puddles?

Seems that a few years ago somebody sued the weather prediction folks for not warning him it might flood, and his car got swamped in a deep puddle and he sued for replacement of his car, emotional distress, time off from work, the whole nine yards.

And won, the basis being that he worked indoors and parked in garages and could not have reasonably been expected, in a part of the country normally dry, to have known the streets might flood in heavy rain.

Kind of like the woman who sued Starbucks because the coffee was hot. (correction: McDonald's. I obviously have Starbucks on the brain.)

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