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Girding the Loins
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[Always wanted to use that for a title....]

Taking N's new computer to him today. It's not just a question of deliver and then oooh's and aaaah's. He will surely think of a complication that I will have to follow up on for him. This is how he keeps me connected, on his terms. Doesn't see how that pushes me away--every time we talk, there's a problem that involved me, or a task I should do, or something for me to buy and bring to him. I have learned to say "no" but that doesn't stop him from trying--it's a lifelong habit for him, and I don't expect him to change.

Poor guy, when everyone doesn't jump to his assistance, he feels so rejected. Guess what, guy, the rest of the world has its own life to live. We're not waiting around, hoping for an opportunity to serve you.

His idea of "relationship togetherness" is solving problems together that he has brought about into complexity. Solutions have to be the ones he's discerned. Bah, humbug!

Enough. Better things to think about:

Afternoon looks to be beautiful and clear and warm. This is why we live in southern California, for these few magnificent days each year. The memories of these days brighten the dank, overcast, rainy days; the hottest days of summer are refreshed by hopes of the return of this beautiful weather.

Thanks to CL about her comments on income tax. Will check with tax preparer and raise the questions she suggested.

And for you all, come with me to New Zealand! I'll be writing from there (I hope) and certainly taking pictures to share when I get back. But don't get too excited yet--any trip is months away at this point.

Yes, I know, part of the fun is in the anticipation and the planning!

Bye for now. See you on the flip side.

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