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Now It's Just Gotten Ridiculous, This Meme Thing
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Can you tell I can't sleep?

[1] What is your middle name?
I don't have one, but I was given Marie at birth.

[2] What color is your mailbox?

[3] Are you available?

[4] Have you ever hit a deer?
Almost, on my motorcycle. That wouldn't have been pretty.

[5] Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home?
I have to take a ferry if I've been off the island for family visits or shopping.

[16] Are you taller than your mom?
Yes, by about an inch and a half. She's tiny.

[17] What curse do you say the most when your pissed?

[18] Are you God?
No, but I like to invoke that name while in the throes of passion, leading one lover to joke, "I love it when you call me God". We aren't together anymore.

[19] What do you do to get over a broken heart?
Exercise, Xanax, talking it over, whatever works.

[20] Do you enjoy writing in colored pens?
Not really. I just enjoy writing with a decent pen.

21] Does anything hurt on your body right now?
My back. Always, to some degree. I just forget about it when I can.

[22] Do you often cry during a movie?
If the movie has something in it that moves me, heh.

[23] Last text message you received?
Verizon, telling me my bill was ready to be viewed on their website.

[24] Who sent it?

[25] Do you hate your life?
What kind of question is that? I've had times I haven't been pleased with the way things are going, but I've never hated my life. I passionately want to have my life, so I can see and do things and feel things intensely for many years to come. There is always a light out there when things seem dark. I love my life!

[26] Do you get mad easily?
No, but I have been known to be petulant easily. Then I rant, then I blog, then I move on.

[27] Do you drink?
Anything? Yes, I favor water, coffee and juice. Alcohol? Sometimes.

[28] What is your biggest pet peeve?

[29] Are you cold?
Nope. Snuggly-warm under my down comforter, with Buck Kitty lying next to me. What, you don't blog in bed at 3:58am?

[30] Do any of your friends have kids?

[31] Do you know anyone that is pregnant right now?

[32] Who should pay on the first date?
Both people. It's a first date, it might be a last date, and I don't want to walk away feeling like there is an imbalance in the Great Dating Force.

[33] How many years older than you are you willing to date?
Well, the oldest person I dated was 31 years older, so it's really not a fair question. I skew the trend.

[34] Do you have any friends?
Well, if I don't, will you come to my house and put me out of my misery? WTF? OF COURSE I HAVE FRIENDS!

[35] Do you have any mean friends?
Again, WTF? If someone is mean often enough to be considered mean, they are not in my life. I'm hard enough on myself without having someone else do it for me.

[36]What is the ugliest color in your opinion?
Either that ubiquitous lime color or the neon-baby-shit-pumpkin that some cars come in now.

[37] Have you ever liked someone who all your friends couldn't stand?
It used to be that most of my friends couldn't successfully attend the same dinner party or other gathering, they were so different. Now that everyone's grown up, I'd like to think that manners would overcome pettiness.

[38] Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff, seriously?
No. I've been curious about the physics of it, but never inclined to do the research myself.

[39] Have you ever contemplated suicide?
Only academically. Kind of like the driving off a cliff idea. Back pain can get me down, but I just want to find a way to stop that, not end my life. I've got too much to do and see, like I said.

[40] Do you scratch your ears?
Yeah, like a dog, using my hind leg. I make a lot of money downtown.

[41] Who was the last person to hug you?

[42] What brand are the pant/jeans you're wearing right now?
I'm naked. Next question.

[43] How tall are you?
5'2", eyes of blue.

[44]What is your closest green object?
A candle holder.

[45] What is on your feet?
Nothing. See #42.

[46] If you were born the opposite sex, what would your parents have named you?
Jon-Erik, after my dad's dad's dad, Jon-Erik Svensson.

[47] If you could go back to any time period when would it be?
Too many to contemplate! I'm an anthropologist, so that question is really designed to just discombobulate my brain. Ouch!

[48] Do you want to have kids?
Nope. Unless I get them through a blended family, which I'm okay with.

[49] What is the brightest color you're wearing?
My silver ring. Again, see #42.

[50] Who is the friend you have that you would never have thought you'd have?
That's too difficult to answer. More likely, the question should be, "did you ever think you would grow into the woman you are now, with the capacity to love and befriend so many people?" And the answer would be no, but I'm so happy I'm here now.

[51] Who do you hate the most right now?
Do I hate anyone? What?

[52] Whats your mother's middle name?

[53] What kind of car do you want?
I have the car I want - a Subaru Outback.

[54] What is your favorite video game?
Tetris is good. I like the old text adventures, and old-school stuff like Frogger and PacMan and Asteroids. Pong is even okay.

[55] Do you like your dad?
I love him, but most of the time I don't like him.

[56] Do you have any TV shows on DVD?
Mr. Show is the only one, I think. Tons of Star Trek on VHS, though.

[57] Are you wearing make up?
No. I almost never do.

[58] Do you have a tattoo?
Yes, three of them. Both arms and my right foot.

[59] Have you ever broken a pinata?
No, not interested. It seems like a cheat to me.

[60] What time is it right now?

[61] Do you know how to draw?
Doodle, yes. Draw, no.

[62] Who loves orange soda?
I don't know. It's okay as far as I'm concerned.

[63] Who is your hero?
My mom, who continues to try to take care of my dad, even though it's clear it's too much for her. She doesn't accept help well, but we're going to fix that.

[64] Who did you last IM?
The Cajun.

[65] Do you work a lot of hours?
The usual, with some overtime put in to get things organized.

[66] Where were you 24 hours ago?
In bed, fast asleep. I wish I could sleep now.

[67] Who was the last person that called you?
My mom.

[68] Is there anything you regret?
What an unfair thing to ask. None of your business.

[69] Do you know where your family name originated from?

[70] Animal that creeps you out?
Really big spiders.

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