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As if you actually gave a flying fart.
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1) Do you like blue cheese? Yes: Maytag, Gorgonzola, Oregonzola, but nothing too soft

2) Have you ever smoked heroin? Um, no, but you did, if you asked me that question!

3) Do you own guns? yes, but they live at my dad's house.

4) What is your favorite drink at Starbucks? doppio espresso (then I go to the milk bar and steal milk - instant latte!)

5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? nope. I construct my elaborate narrative regarding my symptoms. Don't want to leave anything out!

6) What do you think of hot dogs? They are disgusting in principle, but yummy on a bun with condiments

8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? water, coffee, tea

9) Can you do a push up? Yes, but it isn't pretty. Not in the least.

10) Can you do a chin up? Yes, again, not so pretty.

11) Favorite piece of jewelry? the primitive silver bracelet I've had since junior high. Oh, and my grandmother's art-deco engagement ring.

12) Favorite hobby? Do you really need for me to answer that? [innocent flutter of the eyelashes]

13) Ever been on a boat? Been on many, piloted/captained a few

14) Do you have A.D.D.? No. What?

16) Middle name? Used to be Marie, but I haven't had one since I legally changed my name in 1994.

17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? My back hurts, I get to see the Cajun tomorrow, this dessert is incredible (poached spiced peaches with a pistachio shortcake and marscapone whip- Go, Ande!)

18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday? a pint of Mack and Jacks, a pint of Mack and Jacks, and a pint of Mack and Jacks.

19) Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? water, coffee, tea

20) Current worry? that I didn't do as much homework as I should have

21) Current hate right now? The perpetuation of the regimes of inept supervisory beings

23) How did you bring in the New Year? I don't remember. With about 4 exceptions in my lifetime, I haven't stayed up that late on New Year's Eve

24) Where would you like to travel? Norway, New Zealand, my own frigging BED!

25) Name three people who will complete this? maybe Netta, maybe Reenie, maybe LisaMarie

26) Do you own slippers? yes, the Monty Python Killer Bunny ones that Cajun bought me once for Xmas

27) What shirt are you wearing? I'm not - I'm wrapped in a sarong with yellow and blue frogs on it. Well, not actual frogs.

28) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Nope - you can't get any traction, too much slippy-slidey. A girl has to stay put sometimes.

29) Can you whistle? fairly well puckered, not at all with fingers.

30) Favorite color? green

31) Would you be a pirate? Only if I'm in Cajun's backyard (he built his kids a suspended treehouse they call "the Black Pearl")

32) What songs do you sing in the shower? Bluesy things that resonate

33) Favorite girl's name? too many to state, but how about Rowan, Karina, or Malin (mah-LEEN)? How about Scout?

34) Favorite boy's name? Again, impossible to pick one. Dane, Connon, Sven.

35) What's in your pocket? I have no pockets right now. Hell, I'm not even wearing underwear.

37) Best bed sheets as a child? My coordinated Sears Holly Hobbie sheets, pillowcases, bedspread and curtains.

38) Worst injury you've ever had? The current back issue really takes the cake. I've been ill, but seldom injured. Does a huge ovarian cyst count?

39) Do you love where you live now? I love my apartment at the beach. With all my heart.

40) How many TVs do you have in your house? 2, and my laptop, which functions more often as a TV than anything else.

41) Who is your loudest friend? Me.

42) How many dogs do you have? None, but I like it when Dan's dog or the neighborhood dog, Callie, comes down for walks on the beach.

43) How many cats do you have? Two. The smelly beasts are just the best.

44) What is your favorite movie? RIght now, Ira and Abby. Of all time? Toss up: Forty-Year-Old Virgin, South Pacific, Jesus Christ Superstar, Hair, oh, so many.

45) What is your favorite book? Ecotopia, by Ernest Callenbach. Oh, just one? The Chronicles of Narnia, Ring Trilogy, Ishmael, The City and the Stars, The End of Eternity, Life After God...

46) What is your favorite candy? Snickers with Almond. But wait, there are more. . . okay, I'll stop.

47) Favorite sport? See #12.

48) What song do you want played at your funeral? Lay Down Your Burden, or O Nata Lux

49) What were you doing 12 AM last night? Heading over to Vern's to say goodnight to the party crew.

50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Ow! Ow! OWW!!!

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