Your Favorite Annoying Teen

Life in the Making

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A summery of Your Favorite Annoying T...

Hello, I am YFAT or Lo. I have been writing/around on Journal Scape for over a decade now. Time flies! This journal chronicles my random thoughts, high moments and sometimes low, throughout high school, college, and now beyond, into the world of "adulthood", whatever that means.

Sinerely, ~Lo


Financial aide at my school is farking retarded.

You would think they would tell me that I have run out of hours BEFORE I owe them $135.66 back because I have over worked.
Freaking bull. I can pay it. I haven't spent like any money this semester but you'd think they would have let me know before I went THAT FAR OVER!

I'm so farking annoyed! I suppose I should have kept better track but jeeze. I mean all that money just goes right back to the school anyway.

I'm not too like rawring mad. I got that out in class today what with horsing around with my friend. She and I have a lot of fun beating each other with padded stick things. I'm not very good at it so much but I will take her down. She didn't really get me on the ground much which is bad when I am the attacker and am supposed to go down. Fun times though. Great fun wacking on each other with padded weaponry. Not too self-defense-like but fun. I blame the class for any sado-masochistic tendencies I now have.
-sigh- Eh, well can't help the things I get in to.

My weekend was very strange and I have attempted to write about it a few times but failed. So I have a short summary instead.

-woken up at 7am by a demonic screeching squirrel outside my window on Saturday-
-the weather soared in to the high 80's out of the blue-
-I hopped around in a bounce house-
-bio-dad randomly shows up on campus after three years not seeing each other and two years not talking and then we walk around like three years was simply the same two week interval we always had-
-have a fight again with Ben but we prevent the ultimate kaboom. Lo's energy=flushed-
-I realized that Ben and Ray wear the same cologne-

It's very weird when you have such a bad weekend, a few good days, emotional confliction and realization like whoa, then get flushed down the toilet, surge back up to angry and laughing and finally mellow out with a sort of "I really don't give a shit anymore" mood. There's my week emotionally. My heart kind of is just like "what the hell are you doing to me lady?" "I dunno."

Only two more weeks of class, my finals and I will be done.
So much farking work to do!
And I need a shower.


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