Audra DeLaHaye
Working from the World Within

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Reading, not blogging - and NOT a job!
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In a Spin

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I have this feeling that journalscapers might think I'm another one who started a blog, then after a few weeks, gave up on it.

I haven't given up! What happened is I went back to work. Well, first I found a new hobby, and then I went back to work. Either way, blogging got bumped down a few notches on the priority list is all.

I'm really into the whole Travel Writing thing. I have finished two books on the topic, and have highlighted all potential markets in this year's Writer's Market. I have (much to my joy) discovered that our local library does have back issues of Wonderful West Virginia magazine, and have subscribed.

I also have prepared my "brief bio" for same mag, but haven't decided yet on the clips. It would be good to send something from Encounter Calhoun County, but at the same time, I have in mind to start by selling them rewrites of same. I could also send copies of my column in the newspaper to show "a professional history and ability to meet deadlines" but then I have to choose one of about a hundred, and I don't think my favorites fit into the theme.

Still thinking on it -

In the meantime, I asked our delegate if there was some way to get a "free pass" to the state parks as a travel writer, and he gave me the name of a guy to call and ask and told me to use him as a reference.

Wouldn't that be a nice perk?

Had I talked to said delegate two weeks ago, I could have gotten us free fishing licenses and saved us $70. Oh well.

I also bought three magazines to research, brought two more home from the library, and stole two from the doctor's office on Friday. I bought three nice 5 subject notebooks with pockets, a laminated map of West Virginia, and a 2006 West Virginia atlas. Our map was faded and worn, and our atlas was almost ten years old.

(By the way - three notebooks, a laminated map, an atlas, two magazines and an accounting book? $78.00! Damn!)

Thus brings me to my question for freelancers out there. How long do I consider this a hobby? When does it become a business? I hate dealing with self-employment taxes, so, why don't I just keep it a hobby?

I mean, I know it IS a business, but I don't want it to be MY business. I want it to be a hobby. If it becomes a business, I'll have to find something else to do for fun.

Does that make sense to anyone but me?

Anyway. I guess my question is this: How do I cover my expenses, maybe make an extra buck or two and not become a business?

I was thinking about this when I came across This Writing Life--Mark Terry who said, "But, as PJ Parrish recently noted, this is a marathon, not a sprint."

(See complete entry at

Anyway, what's my rush to make my new hobby 'a job'?

Folks out there who don't know me - you might need some background... I have a tendency to make anything into a job. A goal in my life is to learn to relax and have fun. Travel writing is likely my way of swaying an unrecognized guilt for enjoying myself when we're camping and not being on task in some way.

Thus, this CAN'T become a job!

I don't mind if I don't get to deduct my expenses. But I would like to make enough to cover my expenses.

I do believe I am rambling. . .

Topics like taxes will do that to me.

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