Audra DeLaHaye
Working from the World Within

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Puppies and Rain
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Finally, rain.

Is this April showers in May?

I've put out seeds and sprouts that have been very thirsty!

I love a good spring rain. Acutally, I love a good spring thunderstorm, and we haven't had that yet either.

Very often, the weather patterns here in the mountains will take a storm right up the other side of yon hill. We can lie in the hammock on the back porch and watch the light show, count out the sound, (one thousand one, one thousand two, on thousand three) often without getting much more than a sprinkle at the house.

If this weather phenomena happens in the evening?

We're usually both zonked out asleep by the time it's over.

Meanwhile, we have a baby in the house. It's been a long time since I've had a puppy, and I had forgotten how just baby-like they are.

Daisy Dewdrop sleeps a lot. She sleeps for about three hours - tops - and then stumbles out of her porter to the food dish, eats, drinks, pees, poops, then plays for about 30 minutes and falls asleep, literally, on her feet.

The house has pet-inspired laughter again.

If you are not a pet person, you won't understand; but we lost our house dog and house cat last year within a week of each other, and have had a pet-free home for six months.

It's not like the house becomes miserable, it's like it loses some quality. It's quieter. There's no greeting when you get home. There's no character - and less laughter.

You could be having the most piss-poor day, and a cat or dog will make you laugh - even if it's just because they are clueless to any bad day and any day you love them is a good day to them.

Anyway, I've laughed more today.

Puppies are a riot, I had forgotten!

Daisy Dewdrop seems to have backwards mastered better than forwards sometimes, and she falls asleep in some of the strangest places/positions.

And when she gives out that squeaky little beagle howl....

Well, you just smile and feel warm-fuzzy all over.

Want to know more about DeLaHaye? Visit her web site at WV Travelers , or her online store at Impecunious Impressions, or read her weekly column at The Calhoun Chronicle.

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