EliteGirl's Journal
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In the words of "amber808" on Fanpop..............
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Loki never had the intention of becoming "evil"- he is just incredibly misunderstood and an broken individual. Marvel portrayed Loki as a villain because it made Thor look "just" (in a sense, I suppose). Sure Loki has messed up countless of times; but haven't we all one way or another? Its these mistakes that grant us the "humanity" that embodies us; as if we were flawless beyond comprehension- we would have no humility or common sense (which isn't so common in this day and age).

In fact, Loki is not heartless and he will never be a heartless, selfish bastard- its just a facade he puts forward to the world so they never see the shattered individual that lurks beneath the surface. He wears that cheek pinching grin with pride, pride that has been artificially created so that he could stand to live that one day longer in the shadow of Thor. If we were to take away his cunning ways, the lies he's told throughout his lifetime, his mistakes (many of which I'm sure he regrets deep down... somewhere), and finally his continuous suffering ever since Odin adopted him as his own son. As a result, we would be left with a broken, mistreated child that would never consider himself to be Thor's equal nor would he consider himself to be one of the "superior" species (Asgardians).

Envy is what engulfed Loki, what drove him crazy right down to the very essence of his being... he allowed it to boil and bubble away for centuries!! Until it was concentrated enough that he acted irrationally, senseless, without the need to pause and consider the dire consequences that lied in this wake. Maybe it was because he's become acquainted with walking within deaths reach, before slipping out of its grasp before he can be captured. Yes, Loki truly is indeed a tormented soul that deserves forgiveness, redemption, salvation and most importantly love- love that is not out of great pity or sympathy.

Equality, respect and love was all he wanted... how could one think a individual, such as Loki, does NOT deserve these crucial factors as a child, as a teenager, even as an adult. Why throw those necessities away? Only to be replaced by unworthiness, uncertainly, questionable loyalties, no reliability, no support from family and friends... nothing but emptiness. A hunger that cannot be sedated, a thirst that cannot be quenched and a need that cannot be satisfied... Sorry for the long comment/explanation...
(Thanks for reading, if you have done so).

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