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Tamadotchi Life Controversy
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As the others who really are tolerant have said about religious bigots in the "Nintendo" page on "Facebook", they had stated this: "Homosexuals aren't selfish, they're after equality. Wanting to be treated equally and justly in a simulation game does not make someone a pervert or immoral. Those of you who claim so are the ones with questionable morals. People touting that this is 'stupid' and 'no big deal' are the same ones who make it a big deal in the first place. Simply put, it doesn't pertain to you so you don't care. As long as it accomodates you, you don't care. Very selfish point of view. Had relationships not been part of the game, it would not have mattered. But because relationships allow access to additional game content, and only couples of opposite gender can participate, gay couples would have to make another Mii to participate. Nintendo was asked through a petition to please consider a patch that would accomodate gay couples. They were not being boycotted or threatened in any way. Nintendo stepped up to the plate and acknowledged the oversight and apologized. Noone was accusing Nintendo of being homophobic as they have gay characters in several games. They were simply asking Nintendo to consider a patch so that gay couples could participate in certain activities without the need to create a Mii that did not accurately represent them. There was no harm, there was no foul".

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