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Let Good Parents Who Are Disabled Be Able To Parent Kids!
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It's a known fact that disabled people (including mental illness who are capable of raising children, who never harm their children, have their children taken away as a "preventive from harm measure". Plus, undocumented parents who want a better life for their children (which is about five million) and same-sex couples are still facing difficulties when it comes to having the rights to parent their children.

I read it on "http://www.care2.com". It was upsetting to read comments that stereotype all people with disabilities (including mental illness) as "dangerous" and "psychotic". That's the reason why people with disabilities get their kids taken away. The comments about undocumented parents that are rude include a not so nice version of "Why don't they make their own villages thrive and have an economy instead of coming here?" and an accusatory version of "Sorry, but if you're here illegally, you must be responsible and not commit any illegal act".

So yeah, why are good parents are stereotyped as "heterosexual, non-disabled, legal in the country"? That's not fair to the immigrants who traveled here (remember, we traveled to the land of "Native Americans" which we call "America" and live here after killing most of them, but that's a separate subject altogether). Not all heterosexual non-disabled people are good parents. Some abuse and/or neglect their kids, as well as abandon them or kick them out due to their religious beliefs that "being gay, lesbian and bisexual is a choice- you've got to choose" even though the GLBT community are born that way, it's not a choice). If given the chance, there can be many good disabled parents as well as same-sex parents.

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