EliteGirl's Journal
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That's The Way Things Work
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Today I made hamburgers with onions and mushrooms INSIDE the hamburger with the staff at CSDD. I've never done that before. Of course, my mom did not approve when I bought two "Diet Snapple Peach Tea" today because it has no protein. She also was not happy I didn't get vegetables.

So yeah, basically I need my oxypulse checked twice every fifteen because if I don't get my oxypulse checked twice every fifteen minutes, I might get worse in the event something happens to me, health-wise. And twice to make sure there is no mistake. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't understand this.

Oh yeah, when it was naming time for our group, one of the girls suggested "The Indians" after I tried "The Wolverines" and "The Ravens", which got rejected. I rejected "The Indians" because it was too controversial, the proper term is "Native Americans" and the CSDD group I'm in is not "Native American", I guess. So more suggestions where thrown until I suggested "The Party Masters", which got accepted. When I told Mom, she said it sounded like an "S and M" name, which is NOT too flattering of course.

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