Writings, Thoughts and Happenings

I was born in the late 1970s. I grew up in West Virginia, went to five different schools for undergraduate in three different states, finishing at the University of Pittsburgh. I had obtained degrees in English Literature and Film Studies, and had satisfied or nearly satisfied requirements for a multitude of minors. Then, upon realizing that I would need a day job in order to be able to chase my dreams in these two fields, I chose to go to law school. I am out of law school now. I live in Pennsylvania now. To know the rest you'll have to read on a bit.
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Character development

Back to the real world, or so it is as I perceive it . . . .

I cannot get into details, but the past few weeks have uncovered some information that have completely changed my world . . . for the better.

I have gone from an incredibly boring life to having a truly intriguing existence, and have learned that no matter how well I think I know someone, everyone is capable of surprising me.

Parents and grandparents, especially. Sometimes I take advantage of what I have always known these people to be, and have to be brought back to the fact that these people have lived incredibly full lives that I did not know about as fully as I thought I had.

In my post-bar exam anxiety and boredom, I have developed tunnel vision and become more introverted than I have ever been in my life. After the surprise I got this week, I have determined to remember that the other people in my life are real people and not simply characters for my analysis and simple cameos in my own existence. While I will remain the main character of my own life (as I am the only character whose mind I can truly know), I need to focus on the other sharacters a little more. I need to bear in mind that these are likely much more well-developed characters than I am and that I am but a bit part in their lives, too.

I think this explains the writer's block of late. I have only been able to focus on one or two characters. Talk about art imitating life. I need to work on other characters a bit more to get the story right. I guess the point I am making is that the past of each person/character influences the lives and stories of all those with whom he or she comes in contact. You don't even need to share the whole back story to improve the writing. 'Cause we don't always know the whole story of those people we are close to, and yet we can figure out how to deal with them and feel like we know them, and they effect us. I guess what I am saying is that real people have back story, and it shapes them. They may not share it all, but it is what makes them real.

I forgot how real many of those around me were. I guess that made me fake . . . and that showed in my writing.

Oh, well. Enough on the update.

So much for my attempt at perception.


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