Writings, Thoughts and Happenings

I was born in the late 1970s. I grew up in West Virginia, went to five different schools for undergraduate in three different states, finishing at the University of Pittsburgh. I had obtained degrees in English Literature and Film Studies, and had satisfied or nearly satisfied requirements for a multitude of minors. Then, upon realizing that I would need a day job in order to be able to chase my dreams in these two fields, I chose to go to law school. I am out of law school now. I live in Pennsylvania now. To know the rest you'll have to read on a bit.
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How do other people do it? How do they keep all the dishes done, find jobs to apply to, continue working so that all the bills are paid, keep the house clean, eat, sleep, put on makeup, apply for the aforementioned jobs that they find, remain sane and then find time for interviews, much less work out and enjoy their lives?

I can't even enjoy any part of my life. I hate my job, I'm looking for other jobs, and I am worn out. I don't even have time to apply, and the universe is sabotaging me! Discs with writing samples disappear, and I never get to try to fix my hair all nice because it is required to be in a ponytail for work. And I got it cut so that it will look all nice and professional.

Oh, and the customers at work are generally stupid, evil, condescending basards who have no clue how to behave, much less tip.

How do I fix this? I had a little breakdown while cleaning the bathtub and sweeping off the porch the other day----- I don't know where all the time goes. Red Lobster has sucked the life and time out of my existence. And I have to work so that the bills are paid, but I really need a few weeks, with pay, to find a damned job. I cannot afford to use a placement service, and if I keep going back to Red Lobster, I'll lose my mind.

And if one more idiot tells me to move back to West Virginia, I'll kill that person. I am only licensed in Pennsylvania. As for getting certified elsewhere, I can either wait five years for reciprocity to kick in, or pay for and take another bar exam. News flash: it is not something that one just takes whenever he wants. It is only offered two times a year, and it is too late to sign up for the July bar. And that is only if I wanted to take another test. It requires weeks of study, and it is hard, and rather expensive. Since I have top work my dead-end job, I can't study for it, if I could afford to take it, and I don't want to take another bar exam just yet. I lost years off of my life both times that I took it before. Furthermore, who would hire me after spending a year in Pgh, fully certified, without ever having had a job here? It looks bad, it looks shady, and it would not lead to employment.

And for the idea of being a paralegal: Kiss my ass. I am an attorney. I would rather wait tables than work for somebody who has the same job that I am licensed to have. And I DO NOT want to wait tables. Furthermore, it looks badly on a resume to say that I wasted my law degree on a paralegal job.

You know what-- don't give advice. You don't really know the whole situation, and I would blow my stack if I were given any bad, inapplicable advice.

All done bitching-- now back to the typing of the writing samples.


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